Waiting for 9.3 – Background worker processes

On 6th of December, Alvaro Herrera committed patch:

Background worker processes
Background workers are postmaster subprocesses that run arbitrary
user-specified code.  They can request shared memory access as well as
backend database connections; or they can just use plain libpq frontend
database connections.
Modules listed in shared_preload_libraries can register background
workers in their _PG_init() function; this is early enough that it's not
necessary to provide an extra GUC option, because the necessary extra
resources can be allocated early on.  Modules can install more than one
bgworker, if necessary.
Care is taken that these extra processes do not interfere with other
postmaster tasks: only one such process is started on each ServerLoop
iteration.  This means a large number of them could be waiting to be
started up and postmaster is still able to quickly service external
connection requests.  Also, shutdown sequence should not be impacted by
a worker process that's reasonably well behaved (i.e. promptly responds
to termination signals.)
The current implementation lets worker processes specify their start
time, i.e. at what point in the server startup process they are to be
started: right after postmaster start (in which case they mustn't ask
for shared memory access), when consistent state has been reached
(useful during recovery in a HOT standby server), or when recovery has
terminated (i.e. when normal backends are allowed).
In case of a bgworker crash, actions to take depend on registration
data: if shared memory was requested, then all other connections are
taken down (as well as other bgworkers), just like it were a regular
backend crashing.  The bgworker itself is restarted, too, within a
configurable timeframe (which can be configured to be never).
More features to add to this framework can be imagined without much
effort, and have been discussed, but this seems good enough as a useful
unit already.
An elementary sample module is supplied.
Author: Álvaro Herrera
This patch is loosely based on prior patches submitted by KaiGai Kohei,
and unsubmitted code by Simon Riggs.
Reviewed by: KaiGai Kohei, Markus Wanner, Andres Freund,
Heikki Linnakangas, Simon Riggs, Amit Kapila

The description in commit message is pretty detailed, so let me just post couple of comments.

In case it's not clear – this patch makes it possible to write extension/module that will make PostgreSQL start (and keep running, hopefully) additional process – basically a daemon.

Of course it is possible to run daemon always, using cronjob, or some kind of init scripts, but thanks to this patch – new process is bound to running PostgreSQL instance. Whenever PostgreSQL is started – it's started too. When it will be shutdown – the daemon will also be killed.

What's also great – such background process will have access to PostgreSQL shared_buffers.

As far as I can tell, it's not possible to write such program in, say, Perl, because the code for background process has to be compiled to “library". That is .so, or .dll.

Because of this, I will not write a test case for you (my C knowledge is, to put it delicately, not up to the task). Luckily, the patch provides also test contrib module – so we can see how it works.

When I just start my PostgreSQL, I see following processes:

=$ pid="$( head -n 1 data/postmaster.pid )"; ps uwf -p $pid --ppid $pid
pgdba    24108  0.0  0.1 171284 12840 pts/5    S    12:59   0:00 /home/pgdba/work/bin/postgres
pgdba    24109  0.0  0.0  24808   788 ?        Ss   12:59   0:00  \_ postgres: logger process
pgdba    24111  0.0  0.6 171612 81824 ?        Ss   12:59   0:00  \_ postgres: checkpointer process
pgdba    24112  0.0  0.0 171284  1760 ?        Ss   12:59   0:00  \_ postgres: writer process
pgdba    24113  0.0  0.0 171284  5188 ?        Ss   12:59   0:00  \_ postgres: wal writer process
pgdba    24114  0.0  0.0 172568  2752 ?        Ss   12:59   0:00  \_ postgres: autovacuum launcher process
pgdba    24115  0.0  0.0  26904   868 ?        Ss   12:59   0:00  \_ postgres: archiver process   last was 000000010000000000000007
pgdba    24116  0.0  0.0  27456  1352 ?        Ss   12:59   0:00  \_ postgres: stats collector process

Enabling is simple, I just change this line in postgresql.conf:

#shared_preload_libraries = ''          # (change requires restart)


shared_preload_libraries = 'worker_spi'          # (change requires restart)


=$ pg_ctl -D data/ -w restart
waiting for server to shut down.... done
server stopped
waiting for server to start....2012-12-07 14:15:23.125 CET @ 29448  LOG:  registering background worker: SPI worker 1
2012-12-07 14:15:23.126 CET @ 29448  LOG:  registering background worker: SPI worker 2
2012-12-07 14:15:23.126 CET @ 29448  LOG:  loaded library "worker_spi"
server started
14:15:24 pgdba@h3po4 ~
=$ pid="$( head -n 1 data/postmaster.pid )"; ps uwf -p $pid --ppid $pid
pgdba    29448  0.0  0.1 173436 13000 pts/5    S    14:15   0:00 /home/pgdba/work/bin/postgres
pgdba    29449  0.0  0.0  26864   792 ?        Ss   14:15   0:00  \_ postgres: logger process
pgdba    29451  0.0  0.0 173436   976 ?        Ss   14:15   0:00  \_ postgres: checkpointer process
pgdba    29452  0.0  0.0 173436   984 ?        Ss   14:15   0:00  \_ postgres: writer process
pgdba    29453  0.0  0.0 173436   976 ?        Ss   14:15   0:00  \_ postgres: wal writer process
pgdba    29454  0.0  0.0 174812  2628 ?        Ss   14:15   0:00  \_ postgres: autovacuum launcher process
pgdba    29455  0.0  0.0  28960   652 ?        Ss   14:15   0:00  \_ postgres: archiver process
pgdba    29456  0.0  0.0  29512  1368 ?        Ss   14:15   0:00  \_ postgres: stats collector process
pgdba    29457  0.0  0.0 175328  5568 ?        Ss   14:15   0:00  \_ postgres: bgworker: SPI worker 2
pgdba    29458  0.0  0.0 175324  5504 ?        Ss   14:15   0:00  \_ postgres: bgworker: SPI worker 1

Why there are two of them?

Logs show:

2012-12-07 14:15:23.211 CET @ 29457  LOG:  SPI worker 2 initialized with our schema2.counted rows
2012-12-07 14:15:23.211 CET @ 29458  LOG:  SPI worker 1 initialized with schema1.counted

Which suggests that it's by design, and this particular pgworker is supposed to have two processes.

I started psql, and ran: select * from pg_stat_activity:

$ select * from pg_stat_activity;
-[ RECORD 1 ]----+--------------------------------
datid            | 12063
datname          | postgres
pid              | 29457
usesysid         | 10
usename          | pgdba
application_name |
client_addr      | [null]
client_hostname  | [null]
client_port      | [null]
backend_start    | 2012-12-07 14:15:23.211041+01
xact_start       | [null]
query_start      | [null]
state_change     | [null]
waiting          | f
state            | [null]
query            |
-[ RECORD 2 ]----+--------------------------------
datid            | 12063
datname          | postgres
pid              | 29458
usesysid         | 10
usename          | pgdba
application_name |
client_addr      | [null]
client_hostname  | [null]
client_port      | [null]
backend_start    | 2012-12-07 14:15:23.2114+01
xact_start       | [null]
query_start      | [null]
state_change     | [null]
waiting          | f
state            | [null]
query            |
-[ RECORD 3 ]----+--------------------------------
datid            | 16392
datname          | depesz
pid              | 29654
usesysid         | 16384
usename          | depesz
application_name | psql
client_addr      | [null]
client_hostname  | [null]
client_port      | -1
backend_start    | 2012-12-07 14:18:16.075852+01
xact_start       | 2012-12-07 14:18:16.086198+01
query_start      | 2012-12-07 14:18:16.086198+01
state_change     | 2012-12-07 14:18:16.0862+01
waiting          | f
state            | active
query            | select * from pg_stat_activity;

I see that I have 3 connections, which matches what I expected – one connection for psql, and two for bgworkers.

As we can see both bgworkers (side note: they should set application_name, I think) connect to postgres database. Let's see what's there:

\dt *schema?.*
             List of relations
   Schema    |     Name     | Type  | Owner
 our schema2 | counted rows | table | pgdba
 schema1     | counted      | table | pgdba
(2 rows)

Tables are:

\d "our schema2"."counted rows"
Table "our schema2.counted rows"
 Column |  Type   | Modifiers
 type   | text    |
 value  | integer |
    "counted rows_unique_total" UNIQUE, btree (type) WHERE type = 'total'::text
Check constraints:
    "counted rows_type_check" CHECK (type = ANY (ARRAY['total'::text, 'delta'::text]))
\d "schema1"."counted"
   Table "schema1.counted"
 Column |  Type   | Modifiers
 type   | text    |
 value  | integer |
    "counted_unique_total" UNIQUE, btree (type) WHERE type = 'total'::text
Check constraints:
    "counted_type_check" CHECK (type = ANY (ARRAY['total'::text, 'delta'::text]))

Content of the tables:

select * from "our schema2"."counted rows";
 type | value
(0 rows)
select * from schema1.counted;
 type | value
(0 rows)

Now, according to description in worker_spi.c, I should insert some rows, with type being “delta", but first – single row with “total" type.

I assume that both tables work the same way, just each is kept by different background process.

So, couple of inserts:

$ insert into schema1.counted (type, value) values ('total', 0);
$ insert into schema1.counted (type, value) values ('delta', 1), ('delta', 5), ('delta', 10);
$ select * from schema1.counted;
 total │     0
 delta │     1
 delta │     5
 delta │    10
(4 rows)
-- short wait
$ select * from schema1.counted;
 total │    16
(1 row)

Nice. Seems to be working. Of course I could get the same effect by using triggers, but that's just an example.

If worker would die, or get killed – PostgreSQL will restart it.

All this is great, and I just can't wait for getting some real tools that use it. For starters – something like pgAgent. Or perhaps pgBouncer.

Great work guys, thank you.

6 thoughts on “Waiting for 9.3 – Background worker processes”

  1. I too was thinking pgAgent, or at least a version of it that doesn’t rely so much on wxWidgets. I may even get round to writing a non wxWidgets version at some stage, I’ve been threatening to do so for a while now, alas, spare time does not grow on trees!

    Also, custom log rotation programs? Log file readers (akin to pgBadger perhaps, but in C). The list here is only limited by the imagination. A great patch IMHO, and a good blog as always.

  2. Is there a typo in the select after the inserts:

    select * from schema1.counted;

    Should that be:

    select * from schema2.counted

  3. hi how do i get it to work if i accidentally drop the entire schema1, schema1.counted. is there a way to recreate the schema or?

  4. @chaooo:
    well, you can “create schema …”. but afterwards you’ll likely have to setup background worker again.

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