this topic has been written about by many smart people – from the recent past, by greg sabino mullane and josh berkus.
they show 4 different approaches:
- order by random()
- >= random() limit 1
- random column
- random aggregate
all these approaches have their benefits and drawbacks, but i'd like to show another one (polish readers saw the approach already in january 2007, but this time i will make the code more robust).
first, let's discuss existing methods:
order by random()
this is very good way to get truly random records. there is no “preference" for specific rows. the major drawback is speed. or lack of it actually.
>= random() limit 1
this method is faster, but will lead to different distributions of rows in case there are many “gaps" in numbering.
random column
this is the solution that greg proposes, and it looks quite well. until we will see that it requires another column which has to be periodically updated in whole table, just to get different randoms.
random aggregate
this is brilliant solution for some cases – i.e. when we want to get random record for every “user". but it also requires one sequential scan.
so, is there a way to make it faster?
i created a temporary table:
# \d some_data Table "public.some_data" Column | Type | Modifiers ----------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------- id | integer | not null default nextval('some_data_id_seq'::regclass) group_id | integer | value | text | Indexes: "some_data_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
it contains 10000 rows in 500 different group_ids:
# select count(*), count(distinct group_id), count(distinct value) from some_data; count | count | count -------+-------+------- 10000 | 500 | 10000 (1 row)
my approach is based on the fact that index scans are very fast.
basically – given a table that has numerical primary key (like id column in my example) i can find lowest and highest id and then search for some random record in between.
it is possible that the generated random row will not exist, so i will need to check if it really exists, and if now – find another row.
in theory this can lead to infinite loop. in practice – i can easily put a limit that after some (10? 100?) faulty tries i simply raise exception, or choose random record using some other method.
so, let's write the basic code:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_random_id() RETURNS INT4 as $BODY$ declare id_range record; reply INT4; try INT4 := 0; BEGIN SELECT min(id), max(id) - min(id) + 1 as range INTO id_range FROM some_data; WHILE ( try < 10 ) LOOP try := try + 1; reply := floor( random() * id_range.range) + id_range.min; perform id FROM some_data WHERE id = reply; IF found THEN RETURN reply; END IF; END LOOP; RAISE EXCEPTION 'something strange happened - no record found in % tries', try; END; $BODY$ language plpgsql STABLE;
and how do i use it? it's simple:
# explain analyze select * from some_data where id = get_random_id(); QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index Scan using some_data_pkey on some_data (cost=0.25..8.52 rows=1 width=24) (actual time=0.202..0.205 rows=1 loops=1) Index Cond: (id = get_random_id()) Total runtime: 0.241 ms (3 rows)
for comparison:
# explain analyze select * from some_data order by random() limit 1; QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Limit (cost=239.00..239.00 rows=1 width=24) (actual time=55.740..55.743 rows=1 loops=1) -> Sort (cost=239.00..264.00 rows=10000 width=24) (actual time=55.734..55.734 rows=1 loops=1) Sort Key: (random()) Sort Method: top-N heapsort Memory: 17kB -> Seq Scan on some_data (cost=0.00..189.00 rows=10000 width=24) (actual time=0.022..28.413 rows=10000 loops=1) Total runtime: 55.807 ms (6 rows)
random() limit 1 is quite fast actually, thanks to 2 facts:
- there is only 10,000 rows
- i'm using postgresql 8.3 and it has this nice “top-N" sorting method
so, the code looks pretty simple, but can we make it more robust? perhaps a way to make the function work with multiple tables? or return more than one row-id?
ok, let's drop the function, and create 2 new ones. first will be really simple:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_random_id(in_table_name TEXT) RETURNS INT4[] as $BODY$ BEGIN RETURN get_random_id(in_table_name, 1); END; $BODY$ language plpgsql STABLE;
this is just a wrapper around our soon-to-exist-function that will make “default" number of ids to be returnes. please note though that now it is defined to return array of int4!
now, the main function:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_random_id(in_table_name TEXT, want_elements INT4) RETURNS INT4[] as $BODY$ declare use_sql TEXT; id_range record; reply INT4[]; this_part INT4[]; try INT4 := 0; i INT4; BEGIN use_sql := 'SELECT min(id), max(id) - min(id) + 1 as range FROM ' || quote_ident(in_table_name); EXECUTE use_sql INTO id_range; IF id_range.range < want_elements THEN raise exception 'not enough elements in % table.', in_table_name; END IF; WHILE ( try < 10 ) LOOP try := try + 1; this_part := '{}'::INT4[]; WHILE ( coalesce(array_upper( this_part, 1 ), 0) < want_elements - coalesce(array_upper(reply, 1), 0)) LOOP i := floor( random() * id_range.range) + id_range.min; IF NOT i = ANY(this_part) THEN this_part := this_part || i; END IF; END LOOP; use_sql := 'SELECT id FROM ' || quote_ident(in_table_name) || ' WHERE id = ANY(' || quote_literal(this_part::TEXT) || '::INT4[])'; for i IN EXECUTE use_sql LOOP reply := reply || i; END LOOP; IF (coalesce(array_upper(reply, 1), 0) = want_elements) THEN RETURN reply; END IF; END LOOP; RAISE EXCEPTION 'something strange happened - requested records not found in % tries', try; END; $BODY$ language plpgsql STABLE;
it's longer. but how well does it work?
# explain analyze select * from some_data where id = any(get_random_id('some_data', 10)); QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on some_data (cost=38.84..69.70 rows=10 width=24) (actual time=2.576..2.606 rows=10 loops=1) Recheck Cond: (id = ANY (get_random_id('some_data'::text, 10))) -> Bitmap Index Scan on some_data_pkey (cost=0.00..38.84 rows=10 width=0) (actual time=2.566..2.566 rows=10 loops=1) Index Cond: (id = ANY (get_random_id('some_data'::text, 10))) Total runtime: 2.681 ms (5 rows)
not bad 🙂
and thanks to our wrapper function i can as well call it without second argument:
# explain analyze select * from some_data where id = any(get_random_id('some_data')); QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on some_data (cost=38.84..69.70 rows=10 width=24) (actual time=1.318..1.321 rows=1 loops=1) Recheck Cond: (id = ANY (get_random_id('some_data'::text))) -> Bitmap Index Scan on some_data_pkey (cost=0.00..38.84 rows=10 width=0) (actual time=1.311..1.311 rows=1 loops=1) Index Cond: (id = ANY (get_random_id('some_data'::text))) Total runtime: 1.375 ms (5 rows)
now. it would be cool to add a way to “find out" name of the table in more automatic way, but i dont see a reasonably fault-proof way to do it (scanning pg_stat_activity and parsing sql doesn't look sane to me).
nice add-ons for this could be limiting id's to some user-supplied range (like in: get_random_id(‘some_data', 10, 1000, 2000) – 10 random ids between 1000 and 2000), or adding custom ‘where' clauses.
one thing – what if you dont have single-column primary key? or you have lot's of deletes, so the gaps in numbering are enormous?
solution is very simple – and similar to greg's solution – add int4 column with “unique, not null", and periodically update it (from some sequence) to remove gaps. this is needed basically only if the gaps constist of more than 75% of possible rows. and once you have it set you can run as many get_random_id() calls as you'd like.
can be replaced
WHERE id = ANY (ARRAY(SELECT (random()*max_id)::int FROM generate_series(1,20))) LIMIT 1
Interesting. How about something like this
select * from some_data
where floor(random()*1001)%5 limit 1
@Pavel Stehule:
nice approach, looks cool.
i think i dont understand your suggestion – are you sure there shouldn’t be “id” in it somewhere?
Actually there was a flaw in my thinking. What I was trying to do with the modulo operator was to create a random dice thrower that returns true an average of x times per set. I was trying to get away from reliance on id.
Its too bad PostgreSQL doesn’t have row_number() function.
The modulo operator behaves rather oddly though(like in the above I initially tried it returned a boolean, but if I cast each argument to int it returns a number as expected. So I have no idea what it is doing in the above on further inspection.
This is closer to what I was thinking.
SELECT * from some_data
where (random()*100000000)::int%1000 = 0
order by random() limit 1
where the 1000 you would change as a function of size of your data set so you might replace it with a (SELECT count(id) ..from..) subselect or something like that.
The above seems much faster than just doing a simple
SELECT * from some_data
order by random() limit 1
On an order of about 10 times faster on the 150,000 record set I tested.
but since its not relying on an indexed field, its probably slower than using an id based check.
That looks neat. One question I had is that is that ARRAY collect call you have necessary? I tried the below without the Array call and seemed to work just as well and just as fast but could be a version thing.
WHERE id = ANY (SELECT (random()*max_id)::int FROM generate_series(1,20)) LIMIT 1
i think it’s not neccessary (why? i dont know), but it can be simplified to:
where id in (select …) limit 1;
There is difference in execution plans.
WHERE id = ANY(ARRAY( -> it’s only index scan (it’s faster and more efective), this is trick
Look to execution plans
I’d be interesting to run each of these 10,000 times and then see just how “random” the results you got were.
@Robert Treat:
while testing i found that i posted a version of the function with debug code (if random() < .5), so i removed it.
as for making those tests – i tested my function only, and the results i got were rather good. for 50 rows in test table, and 10000 calls to get_random_id(‘test’, 1) i got this values:
id | selected_times
1 | 192
2 | 195
3 | 193
4 | 204
5 | 207
6 | 192
7 | 191
8 | 187
9 | 222
10 | 215
11 | 192
12 | 203
13 | 209
14 | 210
15 | 199
16 | 217
17 | 217
18 | 196
19 | 202
20 | 191
21 | 179
22 | 188
23 | 185
24 | 183
25 | 181
26 | 206
27 | 205
28 | 204
29 | 197
30 | 212
31 | 231
32 | 189
33 | 196
34 | 226
35 | 216
36 | 177
37 | 194
38 | 210
39 | 208
40 | 217
41 | 192
42 | 195
43 | 173
44 | 182
45 | 207
46 | 211
47 | 216
48 | 202
49 | 183
50 | 201
(50 rows)
which looks quite good.
as for testing other methods – i’m not really sure which methods to choose, as some of them have quite obvious problems (not considering lower limit, using casting to int (which rounds) instead of flooring and so on. i dont want to make the tests of examples which are bad, but fixing them just to test them doesn’t look good as well. perhaps authors of these solutions can show us their randomness numbers?
Just a thought: maybe instead of the loop and equality check you could use inequality and random (small) offset (to avoid selecting too often the boundaries of large gaps). So something like:
SELECT … WHERE id > min_id + (random() * (max_id – max_offset – min_id))::int … LIMIT 1 OFFSET (random() * max_offset)::int
@Csaba Nagy:
i wrote that >/= are not acceptable:
>= random() limit 1
this method is faster, but will lead to different distributions of rows in case there are many “gaps” in numbering.
I’ve came up with another solution, that uses ORDER BY random() applied only on a small subset of the actual table. It appears to perform really very well, in fact about ten times faster than plain ORDER BY random() and about three time faster than get_random_id().
Any comments whatsoever accepted, and please excuse a link instead of a full post — the text is quite long.