in today “waiting for 8.4" i will show you 3 new patches. all of them add new functionality to psql – the most common tool to access postrgesql database.
Month: March 2008
keyboard shortcuts in psql
there is this quite old, but pretty functional concept: keyboard shortcuts.
you know it – you press ctrl-s, and your editor saves currently-edited file.
my problem is that there are some standard cases when i would really love to have this ability in psql. but psql doesn't support it. or does it?
using separate environments for people using single account
there is this situation: multiple people have to have access to single system account on unix/linux.
you are one of them, but you really want to have your own environment. aliases, path, and so on.
problem? others dont want your changes. is it a lost case?
Continue reading using separate environments for people using single account
waiting for 8.4
another new, cool feature commited by tom lane: “Support statement-level ON TRUNCATE triggers."
original patch was submitted by simon riggs, and tom commited it today/yesterday (depending on time zone).
smtp + sql = more than it seems so (part 9)
previously, we talked about procmail filters in exim+sql system. today we will add some nifty aliases capabilities.
Continue reading smtp + sql = more than it seems so (part 9)
waiting for pg 8.4
on sunday, 23rd of march, tom lane commited another new-feature patch. this new patch was from brendan jurd, and adds quote_nullable() function:
waiting for pg 8.4
yesterday, tom lane committed another great feature. actually it's so great, that i really wonder how could i live without it earlier.
patch came from itagaki takahiro, and was heavily modified by tom. what it does?
unix crontab and longest interval
simple brain teaser:
given standard unix crontab what is the longest possible interval between calls to the same program?
for example:
15 */2 * * * /bin/echo x
has interval 2 hours.
what is the longest possible? and how to make it?
projektowanie stron przy pomocy screenshotów z innego serwisu
znajomy powiedział mi dziś o jakiejś wtopie mailowej z tej okazji wszedłem na ich stronę. i oczom mym ukazała się strona:
Continue reading projektowanie stron przy pomocy screenshotów z innego serwisu
getting multiple values from sequences
there are this situations where you need (or you think you need) to get multiple values from sequence.
for example – you're importing lots of data: some objects, some objects which relate to base objects, and so on.
of course you can do it all with simple inserts, and currval, but it would be rather slow: