On 12nd of February 2020, Michael Paquier committed patch:
Add %x to default PROMPT1 and PROMPT2 in psql %d can be used to track if the current connection is in a transaction block or not, and adding it by default to the prompt has the advantage to not need a modification of .psqlrc, something not possible depending on the environment. This discussion has happened across various sources, and there was a strong consensus in favor of this change. Author: Vik Fearing Reviewed-by: Fabien Coelho Discussion: https://postgr.es/m/09502c40-cfe1-bb29-10f9-4b3fa7b2bbb2@2ndquadrant.com
This is very simple, but cool addition.
Previously PROMPT1 and PROMPT2 were, by default, “%/%R%# “. That is, they contained:
- %/ – name of current database
- %R – additional marker showing at what stage of parsing are we:
- = – new command
- – – continuation of multiline query
- * – inside of /* */ comment block
- ! – if disconnected from database
- ‘ – inside of ‘….' string
- $ – inside of $$…$$ string
- “ – inside of “quoted" identifier
- %# – # or > character depending on whether user is superuser or not
Now, with this patch, between %R and %# we also have %x which can mean:
- * – we're inside transaction
- ! – inside transaction that failed, but hasn't been rolled back yet
- ? – transaction state is unknown (no connection)
- empty string – not in transaction
This will immediately show if the transaction failed.
For example, in previous Pg:
depesz=# begin; BEGIN depesz=# select 1/0; ERROR: division by zero depesz=# select 1; ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
and in new one:
depesz=# begin; BEGIN depesz=*# select 1/0; ERROR: division by zero depesz=!# select 1; ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
Pretty cool.
Thanks to all involved 🙂
PostgreSql 13 can include multiple table queries with stored procedures, such as Sqlserver,MySql can query the stored procedures and return multiple results directly
select * from table01;
select * from table02;
select * from table03;
PostgreSql 13 中能否加入 存储过程 的多表查询, 如Sqlserver,MySql 均可在存储过程中查询并直接返回多个结果