Using recursive queries to get distinct elements from table

I wrote about similar things couple of times, but recently found thread on pgsql-general mailing list that made me thing about it again.

Summary of the problem from mail is: we have a table, ~ 800 million rows, with, at least 2 columns:

  • station – 170 distinct values
  • channel – generally 1-3 channels per station

And then we want to run:

    array_agg(DISTINCT (channel)) AS channels

Which, on Israel's (original poster) machine took ~ 5 minutes.

And this is with index on on data (station, channel).

Can we do better?

Continue reading Using recursive queries to get distinct elements from table

Waiting for PostgreSQL 15 – Revoke PUBLIC CREATE from public schema, now owned by pg_database_owner.

On 10th of September 2021, Noah Misch committed patch:

Revoke PUBLIC CREATE from public schema, now owned by pg_database_owner.
This switches the default ACL to what the documentation has recommended
since CVE-2018-1058.  Upgrades will carry forward any old ownership and
ACL.  Sites that declined the 2018 recommendation should take a fresh
look.  Recipes for commissioning a new database cluster from scratch may
need to create a schema, grant more privileges, etc.  Out-of-tree test
suites may require such updates.
Reviewed by Peter Eisentraut.

Continue reading Waiting for PostgreSQL 15 – Revoke PUBLIC CREATE from public schema, now owned by pg_database_owner.