Waiting for PostgreSQL 18 – Support LIKE with nondeterministic collations

On 27th of November 2024, Peter Eisentraut committed patch:

Support LIKE with nondeterministic collations
This allows for example using LIKE with case-insensitive collations.
There was previously no internal implementation of this, so it was met
with a not-supported error.  This adds the internal implementation and
removes the error.  The implementation follows the specification of
the SQL standard for this.
Unlike with deterministic collations, the LIKE matching cannot go
character by character but has to go substring by substring.  For
example, if we are matching against LIKE 'foo%bar', we can't start by
looking for an 'f', then an 'o', but instead with have to find
something that matches 'foo'.  This is because the collation could
consider substrings of different lengths to be equal.  This is all
internal to MatchText() in like_match.c.
The changes in GenericMatchText() in like.c just pass through the
locale information to MatchText(), which was previously not needed.
This matches exactly Generic_Text_IC_like() below.
ILIKE is not affected.  (It's unclear whether ILIKE makes sense under
nondeterministic collations.)
This also updates match_pattern_prefix() in like_support.c to support
optimizing the case of an exact pattern with nondeterministic
collations.  This was already alluded to in the previous code.
(includes documentation examples from Daniel Vérité and test cases
from Paul A Jungwirth)
Reviewed-by: Jian He <jian.universality@gmail.com>
Discussion: https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/flat/700d2e86-bf75-4607-9cf2-f5b7802f6e88@eisentraut.org

This is awesome. But why?

First, what are nondeterministic collations. Despite the name it doesn't mean that they are random. Deterministic collation means that equality can only be achieved when dealing with strings that are byte identical.

Which means, for example, that with deterministic collation “żółw" ( U&'\017c\00f3\0142w' ) and “żółw" ( U&'z\0307o\0301\0142w' ) are not the same, because their byte representation differs.

While this might sound esoteric for you, think about collations that are case insensitive. If you want ‘A' being equal to ‘a' – you need collation that is not deterministic. Like this one:

=$ CREATE COLLATION case_insensitive (
    provider = icu,
    locale = 'und-u-ks-level2',
    deterministic = false
=$ create table testit (x text collate case_insensitive );
=$ insert into testit select unnest('{a,A,b,B}'::text[]);
=$ select * from testit where x = 'a';
(2 rows)

The problem is, though, that will Pg before v18, you can't use like on such columns:

=# select * from testit where x like 'a';
ERROR:  nondeterministic collations are not supported for LIKE

But now, in pg18, I can use it:

=$ select * from testit where x like 'b';
(2 rows)

Sweet. Thanks to all involved 🙂

2 thoughts on “Waiting for PostgreSQL 18 – Support LIKE with nondeterministic collations”

  1. What happens when you use wildcards with the LIKE operator?

    Your example is basically the same as using “equals” – which is already working

  2. @Hans:

    Sure, as I assumed the point was to show that LIKE works – as in: pg doesn’t outright fails, as it was working with older Pg, but here you go:

    =$ CREATE COLLATION case_insensitive (
        provider = icu,
        locale = 'und-u-ks-level2',
        deterministic = FALSE
    =$ CREATE TABLE testit (x text COLLATE case_insensitive );
    =$ INSERT INTO testit SELECT unnest('{az,AZ,bz,BZ,za,ZA}'::text[]);
    INSERT 0 6
    =$ select * from testit where x like '%a%';
    (4 rows)

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