One month ago, on 20th of June, I posted a plea for help.
During this time, I received $225 in donations (minus PayPal provision).
All of these came from 6 different people, and, what I find a bit amusing, residents of 6 different countries (in alphabetical order):
- Australia (thanks, mate)
- France (merci)
- Netherlands (dank u)
- Poland (dziękuję)
- Russia (спасибо)
- Slovenia (hvala)
I would like to express my deep gratitude for all of you that helped me so far, or at least thought about it.
You welcome ^__^
Your blog is the most useful PostgreSQL blog anyway.
Glad to help. Your PostgreSQL blog is very useful. And thanks for bringing back the AS/400 theme 🙂
are you sure your wife does not read your blog ;)?
I am not sure, but I find it extremely unlikely. She knows what I’m writing about, and it’s definitely not within her scope of interests.
A obstawiasz, że bardziej wpłacali Ci samotni kawalerowie, czerpiący wiedzę z bloga, bardziej żonaci, co chcieliby, żeby w społeczności Internetowej istniała instytucja zrzucania się na podróże dla żon, czy może boty, które odczytały polecenie wpłać, no to zrobiły “wpłać”? 😉 Due to prowokacyjny charakter tej wypowiedzi nie spodziewam się odpowiedzi. 😉
No worries 🙂 Though, you might want to consider removing the ‘personal’ redirection service you have on your website 😉 Just a thought! 🙂