Just got information that PGDay.PL is postponed till 4th quarter of 2022. This is due to situation in Ukraine. Figured I'll let you know, given that I previously wrote about it.
Author: depesz
Is my autovacuum configured properly?
Autovacuum was added LONG time ago (in 7.4, as pg_autovacuum). Since then, there were many changes related to it.
These days, hopefully, we no longer see someone saying that they have to disable autovacuum due to performance issues.
But I still see people that say that they have to run daily/weekly vacuum because “autovacuum is not enough". Is it really?
New type of hints on explain.depesz.com
As of now, explain.depesz.com will provide hints for seq scans with multiple equality conditions joined with AND.
For example:
select * from table where proj_type = 'GR14' AND week = 2000 AND pop_flag = '1'
You can see it in action in this plan.
Hope you'll find it useful.
How to index data with tsearch?
Someone asked recently on Slack, whether one should build tsvector data in a field, and index it, or make index on expression.
We talked about it for a while, and I thought I'll reformat my thoughts into blogpost to avoid retyping it next time.
PGDayPL is coming :)
Following is text provided by organizers. On my end I can say that I'll be there, and I'm on “Talk selection team" 🙂
The first ever Polish PostgreSQL conference is approaching faster than we think.
On April 22, 2022, we invite you to spend the whole day gaining top technical knowledge and broadening your horizons. PGDayPL 2022 is a great gaining opportunity to talk to the amazing speakers and spend time in the accompaniment of what we are most passionate about.
The conference is held at the POLIN Conference Center in Warsaw's Muranów.
What can you expect?
- fantastic lectures where you will gain technical knowledge – in both Polish and English!
- panels led by people with a passion for PostgreSQL and IT
- gifts for all conference attendees and additional bonuses for our speakers
- delicious catering for guests
- integration meeting after a successful conference
Learn more: https://pgday.pl/.
explain.depesz.com – now with HINTS!
I just pushed change to explain.depesz.com that allows for processing and displaying hints for plans.
For example, take a look at this plan, and check if you'll notice subtle “HINTS" tab.
In there you will see example hints – one about sort and memory, and the other about missing index.
It is not much, but it's a step in (hopefully) right direction, when the explain tool will also provide, automatically, some ideas on what to do to make the thing faster.
Hope you'll find it useful.
How much disk space you can save by using INT4/INT instead of INT8/BIGINT?
Lately there have been couple of discussions on IRC, Slack, and Reddit that showed that people assume that by using int4/integer they use 4 bytes less than they would in case of int8/bigint. This is not really the case. Let me explain why.
Continue reading How much disk space you can save by using INT4/INT instead of INT8/BIGINT?
Waiting for PostgreSQL 15 – Allow archiving via loadable modules.
On 3rd of February 2022, Robert Haas committed patch:
Allow archiving via loadable modules. Running a shell command for each file to be archived has a lot of overhead and may not offer as much error checking as you want, or the exact semantics that you want. So, offer the option to call a loadable module for each file to be archived, rather than running a shell command. Also, add a 'basic_archive' contrib module as an example implementation that archives to a local directory. Nathan Bossart, with a little bit of kibitzing by me. Discussion: http://postgr.es/m/20220202224433.GA1036711@nathanxps13
Continue reading Waiting for PostgreSQL 15 – Allow archiving via loadable modules.
Waiting for PostgreSQL 15 – Add UNIQUE null treatment option
On 3rd of February 2022, Peter Eisentraut committed patch:
Add UNIQUE null treatment option The SQL standard has been ambiguous about whether null values in unique constraints should be considered equal or not. Different implementations have different behaviors. In the SQL:202x draft, this has been formalized by making this implementation-defined and adding an option on unique constraint definitions UNIQUE [ NULLS [NOT] DISTINCT ] to choose a behavior explicitly. This patch adds this option to PostgreSQL. The default behavior remains UNIQUE NULLS DISTINCT. Making this happen in the btree code is pretty easy; most of the patch is just to carry the flag around to all the places that need it. The CREATE UNIQUE INDEX syntax extension is not from the standard, it's my own invention. I named all the internal flags, catalog columns, etc. in the negative ("nulls not distinct") so that the default PostgreSQL behavior is the default if the flag is false. Reviewed-by: Maxim Orlov <orlovmg@gmail.com> Reviewed-by: Pavel Borisov <pashkin.elfe@gmail.com> Discussion: https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/flat/84e5ee1b-387e-9a54-c326-9082674bde78@enterprisedb.com
Continue reading Waiting for PostgreSQL 15 – Add UNIQUE null treatment option
Waiting for PostgreSQL 15 – Add HEADER support to COPY text format
On 28th of January 2022, Peter Eisentraut committed patch:
Add HEADER support to COPY text format The COPY CSV format supports the HEADER option to output a header line. This patch adds the same option to the default text format. On input, the HEADER option causes the first line to be skipped, same as with CSV. Author: Rémi Lapeyre <remi.lapeyre@lenstra.fr> Discussion: https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/flat/CAF1-J-0PtCWMeLtswwGV2M70U26n4g33gpe1rcKQqe6wVQDrFA@mail.gmail.com
Continue reading Waiting for PostgreSQL 15 – Add HEADER support to COPY text format