Win a book contest – PostgreSQL Backup and Restore How-to

pg backup book cover

Around the time that Xzilla wrote about the book, Packt contacted me and asked for a review.

Since I generally don't really read technical books, I declined the offer, but Sandy from Packt was very persistent, and asked if I could inform about book giveaway contest.

The book is definitely PostgreSQL related, and Xzilla suggested to check it out, so here it goes:

Continue reading Win a book contest – PostgreSQL Backup and Restore How-to

Explaining the unexplainable

One of the first things new DBA hears is “Use the EXPLAIN". And upon first try he/she is greeted with incomprehensible:

                                                        QUERY PLAN
 Sort  (cost=146.63..148.65 rows=808 width=138) (actual time=55.009..55.012 rows=71 loops=1)
   Sort Key: n.nspname, p.proname, (pg_get_function_arguments(p.oid))
   Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 43kB
   ->  Hash Join  (cost=1.14..107.61 rows=808 width=138) (actual time=42.495..54.854 rows=71 loops=1)
         Hash Cond: (p.pronamespace = n.oid)
         ->  Seq Scan on pg_proc p  (cost=0.00..89.30 rows=808 width=78) (actual time=0.052..53.465 rows=2402 loops=1)
               Filter: pg_function_is_visible(oid)
         ->  Hash  (cost=1.09..1.09 rows=4 width=68) (actual time=0.011..0.011 rows=4 loops=1)
               Buckets: 1024  Batches: 1  Memory Usage: 1kB
               ->  Seq Scan on pg_namespace n  (cost=0.00..1.09 rows=4 width=68) (actual time=0.005..0.007 rows=4 loops=1)
                     Filter: ((nspname <> 'pg_catalog'::name) AND (nspname <> 'information_schema'::name))

What does it even mean?

Continue reading Explaining the unexplainable

Waiting for 9.3 – Support indexing of regular-expression searches in contrib/pg_trgm.

On 9th of April, Tom Lane committed patch:

Support indexing of regular-expression searches in contrib/pg_trgm.
This works by extracting trigrams from the given regular expression,
in generally the same spirit as the previously-existing support for
LIKE searches, though of course the details are far more complicated.
Currently, only GIN indexes are supported.  We might be able to make
it work with GiST indexes later.
The implementation includes adding API functions to backend/regex/
to provide a view of the search NFA created from a regular expression.
These functions are meant to be generic enough to be supportable in
a standalone version of the regex library, should that ever happen.
Alexander Korotkov, reviewed by Heikki Linnakangas and Tom Lane

One day later Tom Lane added support for the same operations using GiST indexes (original patch was working only with GIN).

Continue reading Waiting for 9.3 – Support indexing of regular-expression searches in contrib/pg_trgm.

Waiting for 9.3 – Add \watch [SEC] command to psql.

On 4th of April, Tom Lane committed patch:

Add \watch [SEC] command to psql.
This allows convenient re-execution of commands.
Will Leinweber, reviewed by Peter Eisentraut, Daniel Farina, and Tom Lane

Continue reading Waiting for 9.3 – Add \watch [SEC] command to psql.

Waiting for 9.3 – Add new JSON processing functions and parser API.

On 29th of March, Andrew Dunstan committed patch:

Add new JSON processing functions and parser API.
The JSON parser is converted into a recursive descent parser, and
exposed for use by other modules such as extensions. The API provides
hooks for all the significant parser event such as the beginning and end
of objects and arrays, and providing functions to handle these hooks
allows for fairly simple construction of a wide variety of JSON
processing functions. A set of new basic processing functions and
operators is also added, which use this API, including operations to
extract array elements, object fields, get the length of arrays and the
set of keys of a field, deconstruct an object into a set of key/value
pairs, and create records from JSON objects and arrays of objects.
Catalog version bumped.
Andrew Dunstan, with some documentation assistance from Merlin Moncure.

Continue reading Waiting for 9.3 – Add new JSON processing functions and parser API.

Waiting for 9.3 – Add parallel pg_dump option.

On 24th of March, Andrew Dunstan committed patch:

Add parallel pg_dump option.
New infrastructure is added which creates a set number of workers
(threads on Windows, forked processes on Unix). Jobs are then
handed out to these workers by the master process as needed.
pg_restore is adjusted to use this new infrastructure in place of the
old setup which created a new worker for each step on the fly. Parallel
dumps acquire a snapshot clone in order to stay consistent, if
The parallel option is selected by the -j / --jobs command line
parameter of pg_dump.
Joachim Wieland, lightly editorialized by Andrew Dunstan.

Continue reading Waiting for 9.3 – Add parallel pg_dump option.

Waiting for 9.3 – Support writable foreign tables.

On 10th of March, Tom Lane committed patch:

Support writable foreign tables.
This patch adds the core-system infrastructure needed to support updates
on foreign tables, and extends contrib/postgres_fdw to allow updates
against remote Postgres servers.  There's still a great deal of room for
improvement in optimization of remote updates, but at least there's basic
functionality there now.
KaiGai Kohei, reviewed by Alexander Korotkov and Laurenz Albe, and rather
heavily revised by Tom Lane.

Continue reading Waiting for 9.3 – Support writable foreign tables.

Waiting for 9.3 – Report pg_hba line number and contents when users fail to log in

On 10th of March, Magnus Hagander committed patch:

Report pg_hba line number and contents when users fail to log in
Instead of just reporting which user failed to log in, log both the
line number in the active pg_hba.conf file (which may not match reality
in case the file has been edited and not reloaded) and the contents of
the matching line (which will always be correct), to make it easier
to debug incorrect pg_hba.conf files.
The message to the client remains unchanged and does not include this
information, to prevent leaking security sensitive information.
Reviewed by Tom Lane and Dean Rasheed

Continue reading Waiting for 9.3 – Report pg_hba line number and contents when users fail to log in