Waiting for 9.3 – JSON generation improvements.

On 10th of March, Andrew Dunstan committed patch:

JSON generation improvements.
This adds the following:
    json_agg(anyrecord) -> json
    to_json(any) -> json
    hstore_to_json(hstore) -> json (also used as a cast)
    hstore_to_json_loose(hstore) -> json
The last provides heuristic treatment of numbers and booleans.
Also, in json generation, if any non-builtin type has a cast to json,
that function is used instead of the type's output function.
Andrew Dunstan, reviewed by Steve Singer.
Catalog version bumped.

Continue reading Waiting for 9.3 – JSON generation improvements.

Waiting for 9.3 – Provide database object names as separate fields in error messages.

Yet another missed thing for “Waiting for 9.3". Sorry about that.

On 29th of January, Tom Lane committed patch:

Provide database object names as separate fields in error messages.
This patch addresses the problem that applications currently have to
extract object names from possibly-localized textual error messages,
if they want to know for example which index caused a UNIQUE_VIOLATION
failure.  It adds new error message fields to the wire protocol, which
can carry the name of a table, table column, data type, or constraint
associated with the error.  (Since the protocol spec has always instructed
clients to ignore unrecognized field types, this should not create any
compatibility problem.)
Support for providing these new fields has been added to just a limited set
of error reports (mainly, those in the "integrity constraint violation"
SQLSTATE class), but we will doubtless add them to more calls in future.
Pavel Stehule, reviewed and extensively revised by Peter Geoghegan, with
additional hacking by Tom Lane.

Continue reading Waiting for 9.3 – Provide database object names as separate fields in error messages.

Parallel dumping of databases

Some time ago I wrote a piece on speeding up dump/restore process using custom solution that was parallelizing process.

Later on I wrote some tools (“fast dump and restore") to do it in more general way.

But all of them had a problem – to get consistent dump you need to stop all concurrent access to your database. Why, and how to get rid of this limitation?

Continue reading Parallel dumping of databases

Waiting for 9.3 – Add a materialized view relations.

On 4th of March, Kevin Grittner committed patch:

Add a materialized view relations.
A materialized view has a rule just like a view and a heap and
other physical properties like a table.  The rule is only used to
populate the table, references in queries refer to the
materialized data.
This is a minimal implementation, but should still be useful in
many cases.  Currently data is only populated "on demand" by the
It is expected that future releases will add incremental updates
with various timings, and that a more refined concept of defining
what is "fresh" data will be developed.  At some point it may even
be possible to have queries use a materialized in place of
references to underlying tables, but that requires the other
above-mentioned features to be working first.
Much of the documentation work by Robert Haas.
Review by Noah Misch, Thom Brown, Robert Haas, Marko Tiikkaja
Security review by KaiGai Kohei, with a decision on how best to
implement sepgsql still pending.

Continue reading Waiting for 9.3 – Add a materialized view relations.

Waiting for 9.3 – Add CREATE RECURSIVE VIEW syntax

On 1st of February, Peter Eisentraut committed patch:

This is specified in the SQL standard.  The CREATE RECURSIVE VIEW
specification is transformed into a normal CREATE VIEW statement with a
reviewed by Abhijit Menon-Sen and Stephen Frost

Continue reading Waiting for 9.3 – Add CREATE RECURSIVE VIEW syntax

Waiting for 9.3 – Add support for piping COPY to/from an external program.

On 27th of February, Heikki Linnakangas committed patch:

Add support for piping COPY to/from an external program.
This includes backend "COPY TO/FROM PROGRAM '...'" syntax, and corresponding
psql \copy syntax. Like with reading/writing files, the backend version is
superuser-only, and in the psql version, the program is run in the client.
In the passing, the psql \copy STDIN/STDOUT syntax is subtly changed: if you
the stdin/stdout is quoted, it's now interpreted as a filename. For example,
"\copy foo from 'stdin'" now reads from a file called 'stdin', not from
standard input. Before this, there was no way to specify a filename called
stdin, stdout, pstdin or pstdout.
This creates a new function in pgport, wait_result_to_str(), which can
be used to convert the exit status of a process, as returned by wait(3),
to a human-readable string.
Etsuro Fujita, reviewed by Amit Kapila.

Continue reading Waiting for 9.3 – Add support for piping COPY to/from an external program.

Variables in SQL, what, how, when?

One of the questions that gets asked quite a lot, is: how can you use variables in your queries? Other databases have them, does PostgreSQL?

Actually the answer is “no". But, it is actually very easy to work around, and what's more important – quite often, what you need are not variables in queries, but rather variables in client. What does it mean? Let's see.

Continue reading Variables in SQL, what, how, when?

Waiting for 9.3 – Create a psql command \gset to store query results into psql variables

On 2nd of February, Tom Lane committed patch:

Create a psql command \gset to store query results into psql variables.
This eases manipulation of query results in psql scripts.
Pavel Stehule, reviewed by Piyush Newe, Shigeru Hanada, and Tom Lane

Continue reading Waiting for 9.3 – Create a psql command \gset to store query results into psql variables

Adding plans to explain.depesz.com from your psql

So, lately I have been thinking about integrating explain.depesz.com with psql. Currently, you have to run explain, copy the output, switch to webbrowser, go to explain.depesz.coma> site, paste output, click submit. It's not that it's a lot of work, but it can be simplified.

Continue reading Adding plans to explain.depesz.com from your psql