Waiting for 9.1 – Removed autocast footgun

On 8th of November, Tom Lane committed patch, which doesn't provide any new features, but removes one of the more annoying footguns in PostgreSQL:

Prevent invoking I/O conversion casts via functional/attribute notation.
PG 8.4 added a built-in feature for casting pretty much any data type to
string types (text, varchar, etc).  We allowed this to work in any of the
historically-allowed syntaxes: CAST(x AS text), x::text, text(x), or
x.text.  However, multiple complaints have shown that it's too easy to
invoke such casts unintentionally in the latter two styles, particularly
field selection.  To cure the problem with the narrowest possible change
of behavior, disallow use of I/O conversion casts from composite types to
string types via functional/attribute syntax.  The new functionality is
still available via cast syntax.
In passing, document the equivalence of functional and attribute syntax
in a more visible place.

Continue reading Waiting for 9.1 – Removed autocast footgun

Understanding postgresql.conf : checkpoint_completion_target

Starting new blog series – explanation of various configuration parameters.

I will of course follow no schedule or order – if I'd had to – it would be my job, and in this way – it's fun.

First configuration parameter to write about is checkpoint_completion_target.

Continue reading Understanding postgresql.conf : checkpoint_completion_target

What would Roy Merritt do?

Some time ago, I was listening to This week in tech and I heard Leo Laporte raving about book Daemon by Daniel Suarez. Did some research, got the book, read it. Relatively soon I heard that there is second part – Freedom ™ (polish comment: czemu polski tłumacz wywalił to “tm" z tytułu?!). Of couse I read it too. Well – it's more like devoured it as I found it simply amazing, and read it all in one go.

Today, I got information from alerts that somebody wrote about it on blog. Went to read, and was astounded to read this sentence:

Turns out it’s only half the story because there is apparently a sequel. I don’t think I’m going to read the next book.

(this is about Daemon).

Well, I did comment there, but just in case, and for Google purposes let me put my answer in here:

Freedom ™ is not a sequel in common meaning of the word. Personally, I think about them as of single text with single story, that was just printed (for whatever reason) as two separate volumes.

Personally I found Freedom ™ much more enjoyable, as it takes the ideas presented in Daemon much further. Daemon is short-time extrapolation “what-if", with common gadgets, and todays technology (well, after some tweaking). Freedom ™ shows what it can lead to – it's social and political consequences.

So, if you haven't yet read these books – go get them. And if you, for some unknown reason, read just the Daemon – get also this “sequel".

Just one warning – if you read Daemon long ago, and now you'll get Freedom ™ – reread Daemon first, as Freedom ™ is literally next part of the same book – with no re-introduction, reminding of events, people, items – nothing like this.

If you don't understand the tile – well – get the books 🙂

Waiting for 9.1 – adding values to enums

Finally, on 25th of October, Tom Lane committed patch which does:

Allow new values to be added to an existing enum type.
After much expenditure of effort, we've got this to the point where the
performance penalty is pretty minimal in typical cases.
Andrew Dunstan, reviewed by Brendan Jurd, Dean Rasheed, and Tom Lane

Continue reading Waiting for 9.1 – adding values to enums

Grouping data into time ranges

Today some guy on IRC asked question, which I didn't fully understand, but which could (probably) be summarized: how to group data into 5 minute intervals, based on some timestamp column.

Well, it seems trivial (as long as you know how to do it), but since he clearly didn't know how to do it (or I misunderstood his problem), here's the explanation:

Continue reading Grouping data into time ranges

Reduce bloat of table without long/exclusive locks

Some time ago Joshua Tolley described how to reduce bloat from tables without locking (well, some locks are there, but very short, and not really intrusive).

Side note: Joshua: big thanks, great idea.

Based on his idea and some our research, i wrote a tool which does just this – reduces bloat in table.

Continue reading Reduce bloat of table without long/exclusive locks

Waiting for 9.1 – triggers on views

On 10th of October, Tom Lane committed patch by Deal Rasheed, which adds triggers on views:

Support triggers on views.
This patch adds the SQL-standard concept of an INSTEAD OF trigger, which
is fired instead of performing a physical insert/update/delete.  The
trigger function is passed the entire old and/or new rows of the view,
and must figure out what to do to the underlying tables to implement
the update.  So this feature can be used to implement updatable views
using trigger programming style rather than rule hacking.
In passing, this patch corrects the names of some columns in the
information_schema.triggers view.  It seems the SQL committee renamed
them somewhere between SQL:99 and SQL:2003.
Dean Rasheed, reviewed by Bernd Helmle; some additional hacking by me.

Continue reading Waiting for 9.1 – triggers on views