Waiting for 9.6 – Add idle_in_transaction_session_timeout.

On 16th of March, Robert Haas committed patch:

Add idle_in_transaction_session_timeout.
Vik Fearing, reviewed by Stéphane Schildknecht and me, and revised
slightly by me.

Continue reading Waiting for 9.6 – Add idle_in_transaction_session_timeout.

What is the point of bouncing?

Some of you might be familiar with pgBouncer project. Some are not. Some understand what/how/why it does, others do not.

This blog post is to have a place where I can point people who have question about how it works, why, and when it makes sense to use it (pgBouncer that is).

Continue reading What is the point of bouncing?

Who/what is trashing db performance?

Every so often I need to find who exactly is damaging database performance. I mean – I have db connection which does something strange/wrong with the database, but what exactly is responsible?

Switching to separate user for every program, script and developer would solve the problem, but it is not always an option. So, what should I do?

Continue reading Who/what is trashing db performance?