Getting value from dynamic column in pl/PgSQL triggers?

Every so often, on irc, someone asks how to get value from column that is passed as argument.

This is generally seen as not possible, as pl/PgSQL doesn't have support for dynamic column names.

We can work around it, though. Are the workarounds usable, in terms of performance?

Continue reading Getting value from dynamic column in pl/PgSQL triggers?

Changes on – extracted query from auto-explain plans

Some time ago James Courtney reported missing functionality.

Specifically, when one uses auto-explain, logged explains contain query text. So, when such explain is then pasted on, it stands to reason that it should be able to extract the query on its own, without having to manually extract it and put it in query box.

It took me a while, but finally, got it working today. And you can see it in all four explain format:

Also, while I'm writing – it seems that somewhere next month, there will be 1 millionth plan uploaded to the site 🙂 Hope you all find it useful 🙂

Fix for displaying aggregates on

Couple of days ago RhodiumToad reported, on irc, a bug in

Specifically – if explain was done using JSON/XML/YAML formats, and node type was Aggregate, the site didn't extract full info.

Continue reading Fix for displaying aggregates on

Waiting for PostgreSQL 12 – Partial implementation of SQL/JSON path language

On 16th of March 2019, Alexander Korotkov committed patch:

Partial implementation of SQL/JSON path language
SQL 2016 standards among other things contains set of SQL/JSON features for
JSON processing inside of relational database.  The core of SQL/JSON is JSON
path language, allowing access parts of JSON documents and make computations
over them.  This commit implements partial support JSON path language as
separate datatype called "jsonpath".  The implementation is partial because
it's lacking datetime support and suppression of numeric errors.  Missing
features will be added later by separate commits.
Support of SQL/JSON features requires implementation of separate nodes, and it
will be considered in subsequent patches.  This commit includes following
set of plain functions, allowing to execute jsonpath over jsonb values:
 * jsonb_path_exists(jsonb, jsonpath[, jsonb, bool]),
 * jsonb_path_match(jsonb, jsonpath[, jsonb, bool]),
 * jsonb_path_query(jsonb, jsonpath[, jsonb, bool]),
 * jsonb_path_query_array(jsonb, jsonpath[, jsonb, bool]).
 * jsonb_path_query_first(jsonb, jsonpath[, jsonb, bool]).
This commit also implements "jsonb @? jsonpath" and "jsonb @@ jsonpath", which
are wrappers over jsonpath_exists(jsonb, jsonpath) and jsonpath_predicate(jsonb,
jsonpath) correspondingly.  These operators will have an index support
(implemented in subsequent patches).
Catversion bumped, to add new functions and operators.
Code was written by Nikita Glukhov and Teodor Sigaev, revised by me.
Documentation was written by Oleg Bartunov and Liudmila Mantrova.  The work
was inspired by Oleg Bartunov.
Author: Nikita Glukhov, Teodor Sigaev, Alexander Korotkov, Oleg Bartunov, Liudmila Mantrova

Continue reading Waiting for PostgreSQL 12 – Partial implementation of SQL/JSON path language

Waiting for PostgreSQL 11 – Add json(b)_to_tsvector function

On 7th of April 2018, Teodor Sigaev committed patch:

Add json(b)_to_tsvector function
Jsonb has a complex nature so there isn't best-for-everything way to convert it
to tsvector for full text search. Current to_tsvector(json(b)) suggests to
convert only string values, but it's possible to index keys, numerics and even
booleans value. To solve that json(b)_to_tsvector has a second required
argument contained a list of desired types of json fields. Second argument is
a jsonb scalar or array right now with possibility to add new options in a
Bump catalog version
Author: Dmitry Dolgov with some editorization by me
Reviewed by: Teodor Sigaev

Continue reading Waiting for PostgreSQL 11 – Add json(b)_to_tsvector function

Waiting for PostgreSQL 10 – Full Text Search support for json and jsonb

On 31st of March 2017, Andrew Dunstan committed patch:

Full Text Search support for json and jsonb
The new functions are ts_headline() and to_tsvector.
Dmitry Dolgov, edited and documented by me.

Continue reading Waiting for PostgreSQL 10 – Full Text Search support for json and jsonb

Waiting for 9.5 – Rename jsonb_replace to jsonb_set and allow it to add new values

On 1st of June, Andrew Dunstan committed patch:

Rename jsonb_replace to jsonb_set and allow it to add new values
The function is given a fourth parameter, which defaults to true. When
this parameter is true, if the last element of the path is missing
in the original json, jsonb_set creates it in the result and assigns it
the new value. If it is false then the function does nothing unless all
elements of the path are present, including the last.
Based on some original code from Dmitry Dolgov, heavily modified by me.
Catalog version bumped.

Continue reading Waiting for 9.5 – Rename jsonb_replace to jsonb_set and allow it to add new values

Waiting for 9.5 – Additional functions and operators for jsonb

On 12th of May, Andrew Dunstan committed patch:

Additional functions and operators for jsonb
jsonb_pretty(jsonb) produces nicely indented json output.
jsonb || jsonb concatenates two jsonb values.
jsonb - text removes a key and its associated value from the json
jsonb - int removes the designated array element
jsonb - text[] removes a key and associated value or array element at
the designated path
jsonb_replace(jsonb,text[],jsonb) replaces the array element designated
by the path or the value associated with the key designated by the path
with the given value.
Original work by Dmitry Dolgov, adapted and reworked for PostgreSQL core
by Andrew Dunstan, reviewed and tidied up by Petr Jelinek.

Continue reading Waiting for 9.5 – Additional functions and operators for jsonb

Waiting for 9.4 – Introduce jsonb, a structured format for storing json.

Portuguese Brazil Version

On 23rd of March, Andrew Dunstan committed patch:

Introduce jsonb, a structured format for storing json.
The new format accepts exactly the same data as the json type. However, it is
stored in a format that does not require reparsing the orgiginal text in order
to process it, making it much more suitable for indexing and other operations.
Insignificant whitespace is discarded, and the order of object keys is not
preserved. Neither are duplicate object keys kept - the later value for a given
key is the only one stored.
The new type has all the functions and operators that the json type has,
with the exception of the json generation functions (to_json, json_agg etc.)
and with identical semantics. In addition, there are operator classes for
hash and btree indexing, and two classes for GIN indexing, that have no
equivalent in the json type.
This feature grew out of previous work by Oleg Bartunov and Teodor Sigaev, which
was intended to provide similar facilities to a nested hstore type, but which
in the end proved to have some significant compatibility issues.
Authors: Oleg Bartunov,  Teodor Sigaev, Peter Geoghegan and Andrew Dunstan.
Review: Andres Freund

Continue reading Waiting for 9.4 – Introduce jsonb, a structured format for storing json.