Waiting for PostgreSQL 13 – Support FETCH FIRST WITH TIES

I have no idea how I missed that, but: if it wasn't for Alvaro's blog post I wouldn't know that: on 7th of April 2020, Alvaro Herrera committed patch:

WITH TIES is an option to the FETCH FIRST N ROWS clause (the SQL
standard's spelling of LIMIT), where you additionally get rows that
compare equal to the last of those N rows by the columns in the
mandatory ORDER BY clause.
There was a proposal by Andrew Gierth to implement this functionality in
a more powerful way that would yield more features, but the other patch
had not been finished at this time, so we decided to use this one for
now in the spirit of incremental development.
Author: Surafel Temesgen <surafel3000@gmail.com>
Reviewed-by: Álvaro Herrera <alvherre@alvh.no-ip.org>
Reviewed-by: Tomas Vondra <tomas.vondra@2ndquadrant.com>
Discussion: https://postgr.es/m/CALAY4q9ky7rD_A4vf=FVQvCGngm3LOes-ky0J6euMrg=_Se+ag@mail.gmail.com
Discussion: https://postgr.es/m/87o8wvz253.fsf@news-spur.riddles.org.uk

Continue reading Waiting for PostgreSQL 13 – Support FETCH FIRST WITH TIES

Waiting for 9.4 – Support ordered-set (WITHIN GROUP) aggregates.

On 23rd of December, Tom Lane committed patch:

Support ordered-set (WITHIN GROUP) aggregates.
This patch introduces generic support for ordered-set and hypothetical-set
aggregate functions, as well as implementations of the instances defined in
SQL:2008 (percentile_cont(), percentile_disc(), rank(), dense_rank(),
percent_rank(), cume_dist()).  We also added mode() though it is not in the
spec, as well as versions of percentile_cont() and percentile_disc() that
can compute multiple percentile values in one pass over the data.
Unlike the original submission, this patch puts full control of the sorting
process in the hands of the aggregate's support functions.  To allow the
support functions to find out how they're supposed to sort, a new API
function AggGetAggref() is added to nodeAgg.c.  This allows retrieval of
the aggregate call's Aggref node, which may have other uses beyond the
immediate need.  There is also support for ordered-set aggregates to
install cleanup callback functions, so that they can be sure that
infrastructure such as tuplesort objects gets cleaned up.
In passing, make some fixes in the recently-added support for variadic
aggregates, and make some editorial adjustments in the recent FILTER
additions for aggregates.  Also, simplify use of IsBinaryCoercible() by
allowing it to succeed whenever the target type is ANY or ANYELEMENT.
It was inconsistent that it dealt with other polymorphic target types
but not these.
Atri Sharma and Andrew Gierth; reviewed by Pavel Stehule and Vik Fearing,
and rather heavily editorialized upon by Tom Lane

Continue reading Waiting for 9.4 – Support ordered-set (WITHIN GROUP) aggregates.

Why is “depesz” between “de luca” and “de vil”?

Every so often someone asks why sorting behaves irrational. Like here:

$ select string from test order by string;
 de luca
 de vil
(6 rows)

Why aren't “de luca" and “de vil" together?

Continue reading Why is “depesz" between “de luca" and “de vil"?

Waiting for 9.1 – Per-column collation support

On 8th of February, Peter Eisentraut committed patch:

Per-column collation support
This adds collation support for columns and domains, a COLLATE clause
to override it per expression, and B-tree index support.
Peter Eisentraut
reviewed by Pavel Stehule, Itagaki Takahiro, Robert Haas, Noah Misch

Continue reading Waiting for 9.1 – Per-column collation support

Waiting for 8.5 – ordered aggregates

On 15th of December Tom Lane committed patch by Andrew Gierth (aka RhodiumToad), which adds interesting capability:

Log Message:
Support ORDER BY within aggregate function calls, at long last providing a
non-kluge method for controlling the order in which values are fed to an
aggregate function.  At the same time eliminate the old implementation
restriction that DISTINCT was only supported for single-argument aggregates.
Possibly release-notable behavioral change: formerly, agg(DISTINCT x)
dropped null values of x unconditionally.  Now, it does so only if the
agg transition function is strict; otherwise nulls are treated as DISTINCT
normally would, ie, you get one copy.
Andrew Gierth, reviewed by Hitoshi Harada

Continue reading Waiting for 8.5 – ordered aggregates