Waiting for 9.1 – Reduced lock levels for ALTER TABLE

On 28th of July, Simon Riggs committed patch which:

Log Message:
Reduce lock levels of CREATE TRIGGER and some ALTER TABLE, CREATE RULE actions.
Avoid hard-coding lockmode used for many altering DDL commands, allowing easier
future changes of lock levels. Implementation of initial analysis on DDL
sub-commands, so that many lock levels are now at ShareUpdateExclusiveLock or
ShareRowExclusiveLock, allowing certain DDL not to block reads/writes.
First of number of planned changes in this area; additional docs required
when full project complete.

Continue reading Waiting for 9.1 – Reduced lock levels for ALTER TABLE

Waiting for 9.1 – standard_conforming_strings = on

Generally I write about new features, but this change is relatively important.

Yesterday, on 20th of July, Robert Haas committed following change:

Log Message:
Change the default value of standard_conforming_strings to on.
This change should be publicized to driver maintainers at once and
release-noted as an incompatibility with previous releases.

Continue reading Waiting for 9.1 – standard_conforming_strings = on