Waiting for PostgreSQL 18 – Allow EXPLAIN to indicate fractional rows.

On 21st of February 2025, Robert Haas committed patch:

Allow EXPLAIN to indicate fractional rows.
When nloops > 1, we now display two digits after the decimal point,
rather than none. This is important because what we print is actually
planstate->instrument->ntuples / nloops, and sometimes what you want
to know is planstate->instrument->ntuples. You can estimate that by
multiplying the displayed row count by the displayed nloops value, but
the fact that the displayed value is rounded makes that inexact. It's
still inexact even if we show these two extra decimal places, but less
so. Perhaps we will agree on a way to further improve this output later,
but for now this seems better than doing nothing.
Author: Ibrar Ahmed <ibrar.ahmad@gmail.com>
Author: Ilia Evdokimov <ilya.evdokimov@tantorlabs.com>
Reviewed-by: David G. Johnston <david.g.johnston@gmail.com>
Reviewed-by: Amit Kapila <amit.kapila16@gmail.com>
Reviewed-by: Vignesh C <vignesh21@gmail.com>
Reviewed-by: Greg Stark <stark@mit.edu>
Reviewed-by: Naeem Akhter <akhternaeem@gmail.com>
Reviewed-by: Hamid Akhtar <hamid.akhtar@percona.com>
Reviewed-by: Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>
Reviewed-by: Andrei Lepikhov <a.lepikhov@postgrespro.ru>
Reviewed-by: Guillaume Lelarge <guillaume@lelarge.info>
Reviewed-by: Matheus Alcantara <matheusssilv97@gmail.com>
Reviewed-by: Alena Rybakina <a.rybakina@postgrespro.ru>
Discussion: http://postgr.es/m/603c8f070905281830g2e5419c4xad2946d149e21f9d%40mail.gmail.com

and then, 6 days later he also committed:

EXPLAIN: Always use two fractional digits for row counts.
Commit ddb17e387aa28d61521227377b00f997756b8a27 attempted to avoid
confusing users by displaying digits after the decimal point only when
nloops > 1, since it's impossible to have a fraction row count after a
single iteration. However, this made the regression tests unstable since
parallal queries will have nloops>1 for all nodes below the Gather or
Gather Merge in normal cases, but if the workers don't start in time and
the leader finishes all the work, they will suddenly have nloops==1,
making it unpredictable whether the digits after the decimal point would
be displayed or not. Although 44cbba9a7f51a3888d5087fc94b23614ba2b81f2
seemed to fix the immediate failures, it may still be the case that there
are lower-probability failures elsewhere in the regression tests.
Various fixes are possible here. For example, it has previously been
proposed that we should try to display the digits after the decimal
point only if rows/nloops is an integer, but currently rows is storead
as a float so it's not theoretically an exact quantity -- precision
could be lost in extreme cases. It has also been proposed that we
should try to display the digits after the decimal point only if we're
under some sort of construct that could potentially cause looping
regardless of whether it actually does. While such ideas are not
without merit, this patch adopts the much simpler solution of always
display two decimal digits. If that approach stands up to scrutiny
from the buildfarm and human users, it spares us the trouble of doing
anything more complex; if not, we can reassess.
This commit incidentally reverts 44cbba9a7f51a3888d5087fc94b23614ba2b81f2,
which should no longer be needed.
Author: Robert Haas <robertmhaas@gmail.com>
Author: Ilia Evdokimov <ilya.evdokimov@tantorlabs.com>
Discussion: http://postgr.es/m/CA+TgmoazzVHn8sFOMFAEwoqBTDxKT45D7mvkyeHgqtoD2cn58Q@mail.gmail.com

Continue reading Waiting for PostgreSQL 18 – Allow EXPLAIN to indicate fractional rows.

explain.depesz.com – now with HINTS!

I just pushed change to explain.depesz.com that allows for processing and displaying hints for plans.

For example, take a look at this plan, and check if you'll notice subtle “HINTS" tab.

In there you will see example hints – one about sort and memory, and the other about missing index.

It is not much, but it's a step in (hopefully) right direction, when the explain tool will also provide, automatically, some ideas on what to do to make the thing faster.

Hope you'll find it useful.

You can now add query to your plan on explain.depesz.com

Quite a lot of people have been bugging me about it, and finally got some time, and worked on it.

Long story short – it works.

You can add your query below plan (in separate text area), and then it will be displayed as one of tabs

For example, check this plan.

It also works sensibly-ish, if you want to obfuscate your plans, as you can see here.

In case you're interested in technical details …

Continue reading You can now add query to your plan on explain.depesz.com

Changes on explain.depesz.com

Just pushed some new changes to expain.depesz.com and it's underlying parsing library.

The changes are:

  • If you upload plan in JSON/YAML/XML format, and then you'll look at “TEXT" tab, you will see explain in text format, generated using data from JSON. This explain had slight error in number formatting (3 decimal digits for estimated costs, while text formats use only 2 decimals). THis was reported by ysch on irc. Example plan
  • Numbers in node details (for example: Filtered, or Buffers info) are now commified to make it easier to read. Example plan
  • Fixed parsing of Planning time in JSON, YAML, and XML formats of explains from PostgreSQL 13. Example plans:
    JSON, YAML, and XML.

Some stats, for curious ones:

  • site is up for over 11 years and 6 months
  • so far there have been 843,215 plans added
  • within last 30 days, there have been 484 new plans added daily, on average
  • there are 1295 registered users, but only 780 of them ever added any plans

Changes on explain.depesz.com

I just released new version of Pg::Explain Perl library that is handling parsing of plans for explain.depesz.com.

There are quite a lot of changes, but mostly internal, but one thing is pretty interesting – Pg::Explain, and because of this also explain.depesz.com should be able to parse plans with arbitrary values of border, linestyle, format, unicode_border_linestyle, unicode_column_linestyle, and unicode_header_linestyle psql options.

You can see five simple examples already uploaded:
Continue reading Changes on explain.depesz.com

Fix for displaying aggregates on explain.depesz.com

Couple of days ago RhodiumToad reported, on irc, a bug in explain.depesz.com.

Specifically – if explain was done using JSON/XML/YAML formats, and node type was Aggregate, the site didn't extract full info.

Continue reading Fix for displaying aggregates on explain.depesz.com

New Pg::Explain and explain.depesz.com

Just now pushed new version of Pg::Explain Perl library that is handling parsing for explain.depesz.com.

There have been many changes, but the short summary is:

  • Fix display of heap fetches from json (https://gitlab.com/depesz/explain.depesz.com/issues/15)
  • Move global data (planning/execution/total time, trigger info) from top_node to explain object itself
  • Add method to easily get real total, wall-clock, runtime of query.
  • Add Pg::Explain::Analyzer, so far it can extract node types and their “paths"
  • Add scripts to run perltidy, start development tmux env, and explain schema dumper
  • Fix handling of parallel queries (hopefully)
  • Remove edge-case deep recursion error
  • Speed optimization for large explains

Hopefully it will not break anything for you 🙂

And as a final note: explain.depesz.com has been used to add almost 740kplans (out of which 120k were deleted). Currently database contains over 311k public (visible in history), not deleted, plans.