Fixes on

In case you're not familiar with this site, shows you aggregated changelog between any two releases, with optionally searching for some keywords.

Yesterday azeem on irc pointed me towards a problem on Specifically, when displaying changes from 9.5.24 to 13.1 site showed 30 security fixes. But in reality there should be only 10.

Continue reading Fixes on

why-upgrade updates

Recent change in layout of PG Docs broke my spider for

Today got some time and decided to bite the bullet.

Fixed spider code, used it to get new changelog, and while I was at it, did couple of slight modifications of the site:

  • display count of all changes that are there in given upgrade path (in section header)
  • fixed a bug that caused empty Security fixes: box to display, even when there are no security fixes.
  • added metainfo page, which shows some stats about why-upgrade “database".

All in all, not big changes, but I hope you'll find it useful.

What is the benefit of upgrading PostgreSQL?

Couple of times, in various places, I was asked: what is the benefit from upgrading to some_version.

So far, I just read release docs, and compiled list of what has changed.

But this is not necessarily simple – consider upgrade from 9.3.2 to 10.2. That's a lot of changes.

So, to be able to answer these questions faster in future, I created a site: Why upgrade PostgreSQL?.

Usage should be simple – pick from which version you want to upgrade, to which version you want to upgrade, and press gives me… button.

Hope you'll find it useful.