OmniPITR 0.6.0

Just released new version, 0.6.0 (it should be visible on pgxn soon) of OmniPITR set of tools.

New version has one new feature – parallelism.

This works in omnipitr-archive and omnipitr-backup-* programs, and allows for parallel delivery to remote destinations (multiple -dr switches).

Also – if you're using compresses wal archive and omnipitr-backup-slave reading from it – all the wal files have to be decompressed before making backup – and this decompression can be parallelized too.

All parallelization is controled using -PJ option (–parallel-jobs), so you can add “-PJ 10" to get up to 10 decompressions at the same time or up to 10 deliveries at the same time.

Waiting for 9.2 – pg_basebackup from slave

On 25th of January, Simon Riggs committed patch:

Allow pg_basebackup from standby node with safety checking.
Base backup follows recommended procedure, plus goes to great
lengths to ensure that partial page writes are avoided.
Jun Ishizuka and Fujii Masao, with minor modifications

Continue reading Waiting for 9.2 – pg_basebackup from slave

OmniPITR 0.3.0

Just released version 0.3.0 of our tool for handling WAL based replication in PostgreSQL – OmniPITR.

Version jump is related to addition of another tool – omnipitr-synch. This tool is used to copy PostgreSQL data dir (including all tablespaces of course) to remote location(s).

While this process is usually simple (call pg_start_backup(), transfer data, call pg_stop_backup()), thanks to the tool it can be wrapped as single call, with standardized logging, and tested logic. It also makes it trivial, and cheap, to setup more than one new slave at a time, without need to read data off master more than once.

Waiting for 9.2 – cascading streaming replication

On 19th of July, Simon Riggs committed patch:

Cascading replication feature for streaming log-based replication.
Standby servers can now have WALSender processes, which can work with
either WALReceiver or archive_commands to pass data. Fully updated
docs, including new conceptual terms of sending server, upstream and
downstream servers. WALSenders terminated when promote to master.
Fujii Masao, review, rework and doc rewrite by Simon Riggs

Continue reading Waiting for 9.2 – cascading streaming replication

Waiting for 9.1 – Unlogged tables

On 29th of December, Robert Haas committed interesting patch, which does:

Support unlogged tables.
The contents of an unlogged table aren't WAL-logged; thus, they are not
available on standby servers and are truncated whenever the database
system enters recovery.  Indexes on unlogged tables are also unlogged.
Unlogged GiST indexes are not currently supported.

(edited commit message, due to this mail.

Continue reading Waiting for 9.1 – Unlogged tables

Setting WAL Replication

There are several approaches on replication/failover – you might have heard of Slony, Londiste, pgPool and some other tools.

WAL Replication is different from all of them in one aspect – it doesn't let you query slave database (until 9.0, in which you actually can run read only queries on slave.

Since you can't run queries on slave, what is it good for? Well. It's good, and great in 1 very important aspect – all things that happen in database are replicated. Schema changes. Sequence modifications. Everything.

There is also drawback – you can't (as of now) replicate just one database. You replicate whole cluster (I don't like this word in this context – let's say: whole installation) of PostgreSQL. All databases that reside in given DATA directory.

So, the question is – how to set it up?

Continue reading Setting WAL Replication

Waiting for 9.0 – removal of 0000000001.history check

I tend to write about new features in new versions of PostgreSQL, but this patch actually fixes one of the things that annoy me a lot, so here it goes:

On 26th of January, Simon Riggs committed:

Log Message:
Fix longstanding gripe that we check for 0000000001.history at start of
archive recovery, even when we know it is never present.

If you've ever tried to roll your own restore_command script ( like pg_standby ) then you know that to the algorithm that's presented in docs You always had to add special case for file “0000000001.history" – which was never there, but somehow PostgreSQL always asked for it – despite the fact that it could never arrive.

Now, thanks to this small patch we will no longer need to add this “if" in any script. It's small, and it's not a new feature, but I am SO happy to see it.

Waiting for 9.0 – Streaming replication

The BIG feature. The feature that made PostgreSQL leap from 8.4 to 9.0. Patch was written by Fujii Masao, and committed by Heikki Linnakangas on 15th of January 2010:

Log Message:
Introduce Streaming Replication.
This includes two new kinds of postmaster processes, walsenders and
walreceiver. Walreceiver is responsible for connecting to the primary server
and streaming WAL to disk, while walsender runs in the primary server and
streams WAL from disk to the client.
Documentation still needs work, but the basics are there. We will probably
pull the replication section to a new chapter later on, as well as the
sections describing file-based replication. But let's do that as a separate
patch, so that it's easier to see what has been added/changed. This patch
also adds a new section to the chapter about FE/BE protocol, documenting the
protocol used by walsender/walreceivxer.
Bump catalog version because of two new functions,
pg_last_xlog_receive_location() and pg_last_xlog_replay_location(), for
monitoring the progress of replication.
Fujii Masao, with additional hacking by me

Continue reading Waiting for 9.0 – Streaming replication