Waiting for PostgreSQL 11 – Transforms for jsonb to PL/Python and to PL/Perl

On 28th of March 2018, Peter Eisentraut committed patch:

Transforms for jsonb to PL/Python
Add a new contrib module jsonb_plpython that provide a transform between
jsonb and PL/Python.  jsonb values are converted to appropriate Python
types such as dicts and lists, and vice versa.
Author: Anthony Bykov <a.bykov@postgrespro.ru>

and then, on 3rd of April 2018, he also committed patch:

Transforms for jsonb to PL/Perl
Add a new contrib module jsonb_plperl that provides a transform between
jsonb and PL/Perl.  jsonb values are converted to appropriate Perl types
such as arrays and hashes, and vice versa.
Author: Anthony Bykov <a.bykov@postgrespro.ru>

Continue reading Waiting for PostgreSQL 11 – Transforms for jsonb to PL/Python and to PL/Perl

Variables in SQL, what, how, when?

One of the questions that gets asked quite a lot, is: how can you use variables in your queries? Other databases have them, does PostgreSQL?

Actually the answer is “no". But, it is actually very easy to work around, and what's more important – quite often, what you need are not variables in queries, but rather variables in client. What does it mean? Let's see.

Continue reading Variables in SQL, what, how, when?

Waiting for 8.5 – Named function arguments

Pavel Stehule – hero for everybody writing stored procedures, wrote, and later Tom Lane committed patch which adds named arguments for functions:

Log Message:
Support use of function argument names to identify which actual arguments
match which function parameters.  The syntax uses AS, for example
funcname(value AS arg1, anothervalue AS arg2)
Pavel Stehule

Continue reading Waiting for 8.5 – Named function arguments