Waiting for PostgreSQL 11 – Transforms for jsonb to PL/Python and to PL/Perl

On 28th of March 2018, Peter Eisentraut committed patch:

Transforms for jsonb to PL/Python
Add a new contrib module jsonb_plpython that provide a transform between
jsonb and PL/Python.  jsonb values are converted to appropriate Python
types such as dicts and lists, and vice versa.
Author: Anthony Bykov <a.bykov@postgrespro.ru>

and then, on 3rd of April 2018, he also committed patch:

Transforms for jsonb to PL/Perl
Add a new contrib module jsonb_plperl that provides a transform between
jsonb and PL/Perl.  jsonb values are converted to appropriate Perl types
such as arrays and hashes, and vice versa.
Author: Anthony Bykov <a.bykov@postgrespro.ru>

Continue reading Waiting for PostgreSQL 11 – Transforms for jsonb to PL/Python and to PL/Perl

Waiting for 9.5 – Add transforms feature

On 26th of April, Peter Eisentraut committed patch:

Add transforms feature
This provides a mechanism for specifying conversions between SQL data
types and procedural languages.  As examples, there are transforms
for hstore and ltree for PL/Perl and PL/Python.
reviews by Pavel Stěhule and Andres Freund

Continue reading Waiting for 9.5 – Add transforms feature