Waiting for PostgreSQL 13 – Enable BEFORE row-level triggers for partitioned tables

On 18th of March 2020, Alvaro Herrera committed patch:

Enable BEFORE row-level triggers for partitioned tables
... with the limitation that the tuple must remain in the same
Reviewed-by: Ashutosh Bapat
Discussion: https://postgr.es/m/20200227165158.GA2071@alvherre.pgsql

Continue reading Waiting for PostgreSQL 13 – Enable BEFORE row-level triggers for partitioned tables

Fix for displaying aggregates on explain.depesz.com

Couple of days ago RhodiumToad reported, on irc, a bug in explain.depesz.com.

Specifically – if explain was done using JSON/XML/YAML formats, and node type was Aggregate, the site didn't extract full info.

Continue reading Fix for displaying aggregates on explain.depesz.com

Which tables should be auto vacuumed or auto analyzed – UPDATE

Some time ago I wrote blogpost which showed how to list tables that should be autovacuumed or autoanalyzed.

Query in there had one important problem – it didn't take into account per-table settings.

Continue reading Which tables should be auto vacuumed or auto analyzed – UPDATE

Waiting for PostgreSQL 13 – Add %x to default PROMPT1 and PROMPT2 in psql

On 12nd of February 2020, Michael Paquier committed patch:

Add %x to default PROMPT1 and PROMPT2 in psql
%d can be used to track if the current connection is in a transaction
block or not, and adding it by default to the prompt has the advantage
to not need a modification of .psqlrc, something not possible depending
on the environment.
This discussion has happened across various sources, and there was a
strong consensus in favor of this change.
Author: Vik Fearing
Reviewed-by: Fabien Coelho
Discussion: https://postgr.es/m/09502c40-cfe1-bb29-10f9-4b3fa7b2bbb2@2ndquadrant.com

Continue reading Waiting for PostgreSQL 13 – Add %x to default PROMPT1 and PROMPT2 in psql

Waiting for PostgreSQL 13 – Add leader_pid to pg_stat_activity

On 6th of February 2020, Michael Paquier committed patch:

Add leader_pid to pg_stat_activity
This new field tracks the PID of the group leader used with parallel
query.  For parallel workers and the leader, the value is set to the
PID of the group leader.  So, for the group leader, the value is the
same as its own PID.  Note that this reflects what PGPROC stores in
shared memory, so as leader_pid is NULL if a backend has never been
involved in parallel query.  If the backend is using parallel query or
has used it at least once, the value is set until the backend exits.
Author: Julien Rouhaud
Reviewed-by: Sergei Kornilov, Guillaume Lelarge, Michael Paquier, Tomas
Discussion: https://postgr.es/m/CAOBaU_Yy5bt0vTPZ2_LUM6cUcGeqmYNoJ8-Rgto+c2+w3defYA@mail.gmail.com

Continue reading Waiting for PostgreSQL 13 – Add leader_pid to pg_stat_activity

Which tables should be auto vacuumed or auto analyzed?

Recently I was in a situation where autovacuum couldn't keep up with changes. To solve the problem I finally decided to manually vacuum analyze all tables (manual vacuum/analyze is faster than one ran by autovacuum daemon).

But it irritated me that I didn't have ready way to check which tables are waiting for autovacuum to work on them.

So, I wrote it.

Continue reading Which tables should be auto vacuumed or auto analyzed?

Waiting for PostgreSQL 13 – Add functions gcd() and lcm() for integer and numeric types.

On 25th of January 2020, Dean Rasheed committed patch:

Add functions gcd() and lcm() for integer and numeric types.
These compute the greatest common divisor and least common multiple of
a pair of numbers using the Euclidean algorithm.
Vik Fearing, reviewed by Fabien Coelho.
Discussion: https://postgr.es/m/adbd3e0b-e3f1-5bbc-21db-03caf1cef0f7@2ndquadrant.com

Continue reading Waiting for PostgreSQL 13 – Add functions gcd() and lcm() for integer and numeric types.