New Pg::Explain and

Just now pushed new version of Pg::Explain Perl library that is handling parsing for

There have been many changes, but the short summary is:

  • Fix display of heap fetches from json (
  • Move global data (planning/execution/total time, trigger info) from top_node to explain object itself
  • Add method to easily get real total, wall-clock, runtime of query.
  • Add Pg::Explain::Analyzer, so far it can extract node types and their “paths"
  • Add scripts to run perltidy, start development tmux env, and explain schema dumper
  • Fix handling of parallel queries (hopefully)
  • Remove edge-case deep recursion error
  • Speed optimization for large explains

Hopefully it will not break anything for you 🙂

And as a final note: has been used to add almost 740kplans (out of which 120k were deleted). Currently database contains over 311k public (visible in history), not deleted, plans.

Waiting for PostgreSQL 13 – pgbench: add –partitions and –partition-method options.

On 3rd of October 2019, Amit Kapila committed patch:

pgbench: add --partitions and --partition-method options.
These new options allow users to partition the pgbench_accounts table by
specifying the number of partitions and partitioning method.  The values
allowed for partitioning method are range and hash.
This feature allows users to measure the overhead of partitioning if any.
Author: Fabien COELHO
Alvaro Herrera

Continue reading Waiting for PostgreSQL 13 – pgbench: add –partitions and –partition-method options.

How to run short ALTER TABLE without long locking concurrent queries

Recently I've seen case like:

  1. application had to add column to table.
  2. application ran ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN (without default!)
  3. everything stopped for many MINUTES

Why? How to avoid the problem?

Continue reading How to run short ALTER TABLE without long locking concurrent queries

Waiting for PostgreSQL 13 – Support for FF1-FF6 and SSSS datetime format patterns

On 16th of September 2019, Alexander Korotkov committed two patches:

First patch:

Support for SSSSS datetime format pattern
SQL Standard 2016 defines SSSSS format pattern for seconds past midnight in
jsonpath .datetime() method and CAST (... FORMAT ...) SQL clause.  In our
datetime parsing engine we currently support it with SSSS name.
This commit adds SSSSS as an alias for SSSS.  Alias is added in favor of
upcoming jsonpath .datetime() method.  But it's also supported in to_date()/
to_timestamp() as positive side effect.
Author: Nikita Glukhov, Alexander Korotkov

and second one:

Support for FF1-FF6 datetime format patterns
SQL Standard 2016 defines FF1-FF9 format patters for fractions of seconds in
jsonpath .datetime() method and CAST (... FORMAT ...) SQL clause.  Parsing
engine of upcoming .datetime() method will be shared with to_date()/
This patch implements FF1-FF6 format patterns for upcoming jsonpath .datetime()
method.  to_date()/to_timestamp() functions will also get support of this
format patterns as positive side effect.  FF7-FF9 are not supported due to
lack of precision in our internal timestamp representation.
Extracted from original patch by Nikita Glukhov, Teodor Sigaev, Oleg Bartunov.
Heavily revised by me.
Author: Nikita Glukhov, Teodor Sigaev, Oleg Bartunov, Alexander Korotkov

Continue reading Waiting for PostgreSQL 13 – Support for FF1-FF6 and SSSS datetime format patterns

Waiting for PostgreSQL 13 – Add support for –jobs in reindexdb

On 27th of July 2019, Michael Paquier committed patch:

Add support for --jobs in reindexdb
When doing a schema-level or a database-level operation, a list of
relations to build is created which gets processed in parallel using
multiple connections, based on the recent refactoring for parallel slots
in src/bin/scripts/.  System catalogs are processed first in a
serialized fashion to prevent deadlocks, followed by the rest done in
This new option is not compatible with --system as reindexing system
catalogs in parallel can lead to deadlocks, and with --index as there is
no conflict handling for indexes rebuilt in parallel depending in the
same relation.
Author: Julien Rouhaud

Continue reading Waiting for PostgreSQL 13 – Add support for –jobs in reindexdb

Changes on

Recently got two bug reports:

  • plans with “COSTS OFF" do not parse, and error out (bugreport by Marc Dean Jr)
  • WorkTable Scan is not properly parsed (bugreport by Ivan Vergiliev)

Additionally, I was kinda upset because plans that include trigger calls did not display properly.

All of this has been fixed today:

Continue reading Changes on

How to play with upcoming, unreleased, PostgreSQL?

Lately reader of my blog asked about some detail, and then in next comment said that he doesn't have PostgreSQL 12 (which is currently developed version of Pg) available.

Well, I answered the original question, but I figured that if someone is reading my Waiting for … series, then it would make sense that such person could play with devel Pg herself.

So, here is how to get it done.

Continue reading How to play with upcoming, unreleased, PostgreSQL?

Waiting for PostgreSQL 12 – Allow VACUUM to be run with index cleanup disabled.

On 4th of April 2019, Robert Haas committed patch:

Allow VACUUM to be run with index cleanup disabled.
This commit adds a new reloption, vacuum_index_cleanup, which
controls whether index cleanup is performed for a particular
relation by default.  It also adds a new option to the VACUUM
command, INDEX_CLEANUP, which can be used to override the
reloption.  If neither the reloption nor the VACUUM option is
used, the default is true, as before.
Masahiko Sawada, reviewed and tested by Nathan Bossart, Alvaro
Herrera, Kyotaro Horiguchi, Darafei Praliaskouski, and me.
The wording of the documentation is mostly due to me.

Continue reading Waiting for PostgreSQL 12 – Allow VACUUM to be run with index cleanup disabled.

Waiting for PostgreSQL 12 – Add SETTINGS option to EXPLAIN, to print modified settings.

On 3rd of April 2019, Tomas Vondra committed patch:

Add SETTINGS option to EXPLAIN, to print modified settings.
Query planning is affected by a number of configuration options, and it
may be crucial to know which of those options were set to non-default
values.  With this patch you can say EXPLAIN (SETTINGS ON) to include
that information in the query plan.  Only options affecting planning,
with values different from the built-in default are printed.
This patch also adds auto_explain.log_settings option, providing the
same capability in auto_explain module.
Author: Tomas Vondra

Continue reading Waiting for PostgreSQL 12 – Add SETTINGS option to EXPLAIN, to print modified settings.

Waiting for PostgreSQL 12 – Support foreign keys that reference partitioned tables

On 3rd of April 2019, Alvaro Herrera committed patch:

Support foreign keys that reference partitioned tables
Previously, while primary keys could be made on partitioned tables, it
was not possible to define foreign keys that reference those primary
keys.  Now it is possible to do that.
Author: Álvaro Herrera

Continue reading Waiting for PostgreSQL 12 – Support foreign keys that reference partitioned tables