Grouping data into time ranges

Today some guy on IRC asked question, which I didn't fully understand, but which could (probably) be summarized: how to group data into 5 minute intervals, based on some timestamp column.

Well, it seems trivial (as long as you know how to do it), but since he clearly didn't know how to do it (or I misunderstood his problem), here's the explanation:

Continue reading Grouping data into time ranges

Reduce bloat of table without long/exclusive locks

Some time ago Joshua Tolley described how to reduce bloat from tables without locking (well, some locks are there, but very short, and not really intrusive).

Side note: Joshua: big thanks, great idea.

Based on his idea and some our research, i wrote a tool which does just this – reduces bloat in table.

Continue reading Reduce bloat of table without long/exclusive locks

Waiting for 9.1 – triggers on views

On 10th of October, Tom Lane committed patch by Deal Rasheed, which adds triggers on views:

Support triggers ON views.
This patch adds the SQL-standard concept OF an INSTEAD OF TRIGGER, which
IS fired instead OF performing a physical INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE.  The
AND must figure OUT what TO do TO the underlying TABLES TO implement
the UPDATE.  So this feature can be used TO implement updatable views
USING TRIGGER programming STYLE rather than rule hacking.
IN passing, this patch corrects the names OF SOME COLUMNS IN the
information_schema.triggers VIEW.  It seems the SQL committee renamed
them somewhere BETWEEN SQL:99 AND SQL:2003.
Dean Rasheed, reviewed BY Bernd Helmle; SOME additional hacking BY me.

Continue reading Waiting for 9.1 – triggers on views

Performance gains from using foreign keys

Foreign keys are known for couple of things, but speeding up your system is not one of them. But sometimes, having them in place lets you make queries significantly faster.

How? Let me show you example I have seen lately (well, it's simplified example based on something much more convoluted, and definitely longer):

Continue reading Performance gains from using foreign keys

How to group messages into chats?

My jabber server had the feature, that it logs all messages that got sent through it.

This is pretty cool, and useful. And now, i got asked to use it to create list of conversations.

What exactly is this? Whenever I send (or receive) something there is record in database with information about which local user, communication type (send/recv), correspondent, when it happened, and what is the body of message.

And based on this, we want to list messages into chats. How?

Continue reading How to group messages into chats?