waiting for pg 8.4

i will try to follow development of 8.4, and write examples of what's possible with it, based on current HEAD code.

of course there is no guarantee that it will work in final, released 8.4 (it is a bit too early to talk about it, but given the fact that the patch got committed, there is pretty good chance we will see it whenever 8.4 will be released.

today 2 new features: limit (select ) and optional as in select.

Continue reading waiting for pg 8.4

smtp + sql = more than it seems so (part 1)

for quite some time i wanted to write about my experiences with combining smtp server with sql server.

this subject for some people might be too boring, for others – it might be seen as a simple howto. but in my opinion it clearly shows that when you combine 2 such technologies outcome is much better then it would seem (it's called synergy in merketoid-speak).

this subject will be divided into several parts, that will be posted separately (yeah, let's get some traffic to website 🙂

also, i hope to extend it in future if/when i'll find something else that can be added/changed in proposed solution.

so, without further ado, let's start:

Continue reading smtp + sql = more than it seems so (part 1)

it’s coming, it’s coming, it’s here, have no fear

(pgdba@[local]:5830) 21:45:26 [pgdba]
# select version();
 PostgreSQL 8.3.0 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 4.1.3 20070929 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.2-16ubuntu2)
(1 row)

well, actually it is not released yet, but at the very least it's named 8.3 in cvs head 🙂