how to check if given update is from trigger or why i hate orms?

  • we use orm
  • yes, and?
  • and we have a problem with it…
  • you already said that

now, imagine a simple scenario:

  • objects table (let's name it “topics"), which contains column: posts_count
  • sub-objects table (posts), with foreign key to topics
  • triggers which update posts_count on insert/update/delete on posts

simple? yes? well. it was. now, enter disaster: orm.

Continue reading how to check if given update is from trigger or why i hate orms?

how many 1sts of any month were sundays – since 1901-01-01?

nixternal wrote about boost library for c++.

with it he was able to find the answer to title question in miliseconds (he didn't specify how many, but let's assume that is was less than 10 ms).

so i decided to check how fast can i do it in postgresql …

Continue reading how many 1sts of any month were sundays – since 1901-01-01?

shared buffers and their impact on performance

just lately we found interesting case about shared_buffers settings.

the database in question is rather simple:

  • 3 tables
  • a bit over 60 gigabytes
  • around 150 million rows

the server we run it on is not really fancy:

  • 2, single core, 3ghz xeons
  • 16 gb of ram
  • 6x 72gb, scsi, 15krpm discs in low-end hardware raid 10.

Continue reading shared buffers and their impact on performance

overprotective developers

i'm recently under impression that pg developers are overprotective. who do they protect?

us, users.

i mean – don't get me wrong – i live with, and (to some extent) thanks to the piece of marvelous technology which is postgresql ordbms.

i use it, i try to help other use it. i don't think there is any better database available now (at the very least – for my purposes).

but, just lately, i some to see some cases where decissions are made in a way to “protect us (dbas) from our faults".

Continue reading overprotective developers

encrypted passwords in database

in most applications you have some variant of this table:

    id serial PRIMARY KEY,
    username TEXT NOT NULL,
    passwd TEXT

and, usually, the passwd stores user password in clear text way.

this is usually not a problem, but in case you'd like to add password encryption in database, there are some ways to do it – and i'll show you which way i like most.

Continue reading encrypted passwords in database

what should be fixed in postgresql

edit: title was changed because apparently it was too offensive

the title might a bit too offensive, but perhaps it will make it more visible.

some time ago (march 2007) i asked on polish db-related newsgroup about things that people hate about their databases.

to give some example i wrote about 5 things that i hate (dislike?) about postgresql. today i looked back at this topic to check what has changed. many things did change. some things don't piss me anymore. some new things showed up, so, here we go – what i (personally) see as things to be fixed/removed soon to get nicer (for users) database system.

Continue reading what should be fixed in postgresql