“hacking” with postgresql

< french translation is now available >

very recently i got a task which involved finding out what happened (what sql queries were called) on remote machine.

the problem was that i didn't have any kind of shell access to server – i could connect only to postgresql. the good side was that i had a superuser-level access.

so the task was quite simple – how to find and read a file from psql. on remote machine. with no access to ssh, ftp, nor anything like this.

this is when i got idea that i'll write more about it. some might say that you shouldn't write this kind of information. my view is that i'm not disclosing any secrets – i will be using only basic (remote) psql with superuser access. all things that i will describe in here are in documentation – you just have to know where to look for them.

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psql prompt issue

i tend to use more (than standard) informative prompts.

whether it's shell, or psql i set it up to match my needs.

for the longest time i used psql prompt:

\set PROMPT1 '(%n@%M:%>) %`date +%H:%M:%S` [%/] %[%012%]%x%# '

(this line should be in .psqlrc).

it gives some information:

(depesz@[local]:5810) 15:26:06 [depesz]

at a glance i know what user i am conencted as, to which machine, over which port, what database i'm connected to, and what's current time.

unfortunately this prompt had one issue – whenever i used history, and then something like <ctrl-a> (go to begining of line) something weird happened – cursor got distorted, and it looked like it was on second letter, while in fact it was on first (hard to explain, try it for yourself :).

it was painful, but since i couldn't do anything about it, i just learned to live with it.

now, due to some new environment setup, i decided that i've got enough of it. i tried to find any help in manual (i was looking for something like \[ and \] from bash prompting), but to no avail.

i did find out that the problem lies in %[012%]. i tried to give there literal <enter> (thus making \set statement multi-line), but it didn't work.

and then i simply gave there standard “\n". and it was it – now i have the prompt the way i like it, with no side effects on command line edition.

final prompt1, in case you're interested:

\set PROMPT1 '(%n@%M:%>) %`date +%H:%M:%S` [%/] \n%x%# '

simple howto about restoring damaged template1

this is nothing new, but i blog it to have a place to point people to.

let's assume you accidentally loaded dump file in template1 database.

this is definitely not something one could have wanted (i mean i can see some uses for this but it's not really likely).

so, now you want to cleanup your template1.

how? that's easy.

connect with your superuser account (postgres) to some database other than template1.

and then issue these queries:

  1. # update pg_database set datistemplate = false where datname = ‘template1';
  2. # drop database template1;
  3. # create database template1 with template template0;
  4. # update pg_database set datistemplate = true where datname = ‘template1';

be sure that there is no connection to template1 at the moment you're dealing with it.

and that's all. nothing really complicated.

set returning functions in 8.3

just couple of days ago i read about a new, great addition to postgresql 8.3 – “return query" in pl/pgsql.

what does it do?

in set returning functions, when you wanted to return multiple rows from a given query you had to:

FOR record IN SELECT ..... LOOP
    RETURN NEXT record;

now, you can simply:


what's more – since RETURN QUERY doesn't terminate function (just like return next) you can:


and then you'll get (more or less) “union all" of the queries.

additionally – return query is supposed to be faster then return next/loop.

so, let's test it.
Continue reading set returning functions in 8.3

indexable ” field like ‘%something'”

for the long time everybody knew that you can't use index on “LIKE" operations.

then came text_pattern_ops, so we could use indexes for prefix searches:

# \d depesz_test
                         Table "public.depesz_test"
 Column |  Type   |                        Modifiers
 id     | integer | not null default nextval('depesz_test_id_seq'::regclass)
 email  | text    | not null
    "depesz_test_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "x" UNIQUE, btree (email text_pattern_ops)
# EXPLAIN analyze SELECT COUNT(*) FROM depesz_test WHERE email LIKE 'dep%';
                                                      QUERY PLAN
 Aggregate  (cost=96.71..96.72 ROWS=1 width=0) (actual TIME=0.983..0.985 ROWS=1 loops=1)
   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan ON depesz_test  (cost=4.68..96.65 ROWS=24 width=0) (actual TIME=0.184..0.641 ROWS=155 loops=1)
         FILTER: (email ~~ 'dep%'::text)
         ->  Bitmap INDEX Scan ON x  (cost=0.00..4.67 ROWS=24 width=0) (actual TIME=0.158..0.158 ROWS=155 loops=1)
               INDEX Cond: ((email ~>=~ 'dep'::text) AND (email ~<~ 'deq'::text))
 Total runtime: 1.067 ms
(6 ROWS)

but what if i'd like to search for ‘%something'? not prefix, but suffix. in my example – what can i do to use indexes when searching for people from given domain?

Continue reading indexable " field like ‘%something'"

update account set password = ‘new_password’; oops?!

how many times did you (or somebody in your environment) did something like this? update (or delete) without proper “where"?

it happened at least couple of times to me.

of course – using transactions solved the problem. but – on the other hand – if i can't trust myself to add proper where, how can i trust myself to add “begin"?

so, is there no hope?

are we doomed to always repeat the same mistake, and spend uncountable hours on recovering from damaged tables?

fortunatelly there is a help.
Continue reading update account set password = ‘new_password'; oops?!

postgresql tips & tricks

mage_ from #postgresql had interesting problem today.

he has a table with 2 date fields, and he wants to have list of all years from both fields. together. as one list.

his approach:

SELECT date_part('year', date1) FROM test
SELECT date_part('year', date2) FROM test;

is hardly satisfactory – it takes too long.

any way to speed it up?
Continue reading postgresql tips & tricks

londiste – simple replication system for postgresql

some time ago skype released some tools for postgresql that they developed.

one of the released tools is londiste – simple replication system. it is master to multiple slaves, without cascading.

the problem with skype projects is that documentation is not as full as we expect from pg-related project. luckily dim used the londiste, and was kind enough to write some howto/manual for this project.

all i can say is: take a look at it. it looks as a very simple to use, without all features of slony, but definitely worth to take a look at.