Waiting for PostgreSQL 18 – Add cost-based vacuum delay time to progress views.

On 11st of February 2025, Nathan Bossart committed patch:

Add cost-based vacuum delay time to progress views.
This commit adds the amount of time spent sleeping due to
cost-based delay to the pg_stat_progress_vacuum and
pg_stat_progress_analyze system views.  A new configuration
parameter named track_cost_delay_timing, which is off by default,
controls whether this information is gathered.  For vacuum, the
reported value includes the sleep time of any associated parallel
workers.  However, parallel workers only report their sleep time
once per second to avoid overloading the leader process.
Bumps catversion.
Author: Bertrand Drouvot <bertranddrouvot.pg@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Nathan Bossart <nathandbossart@gmail.com>
Reviewed-by: Sami Imseih <samimseih@gmail.com>
Reviewed-by: Robert Haas <robertmhaas@gmail.com>
Reviewed-by: Masahiko Sawada <sawada.mshk@gmail.com>
Reviewed-by: Masahiro Ikeda <ikedamsh@oss.nttdata.com>
Reviewed-by: Dilip Kumar <dilipbalaut@gmail.com>
Reviewed-by: Sergei Kornilov <sk@zsrv.org>
Discussion: https://postgr.es/m/ZmaXmWDL829fzAVX%40ip-10-97-1-34.eu-west-3.compute.internal

Continue reading Waiting for PostgreSQL 18 – Add cost-based vacuum delay time to progress views.

Waiting for PostgreSQL 14 – Report progress of COPY commands

On 6th of January 2021, Tomas Vondra committed patch:

Report progress of COPY commands
This commit introduces a view pg_stat_progress_copy, reporting progress
of COPY commands.  This allows rough estimates how far a running COPY
progressed, with the caveat that the total number of bytes may not be
available in some cases (e.g. when the input comes from the client).
Author: Josef Šimánek
Reviewed-by: Fujii Masao, Bharath Rupireddy, Vignesh C, Matthias van de Meent
Discussion: https://postgr.es/m/CAFp7QwqMGEi4OyyaLEK9DR0+E+oK3UtA4bEjDVCa4bNkwUY2PQ@mail.gmail.com
Discussion: https://postgr.es/m/CAFp7Qwr6_FmRM6pCO0x_a0mymOfX_Gg+FEKet4XaTGSW=LitKQ@mail.gmail.com

Continue reading Waiting for PostgreSQL 14 – Report progress of COPY commands

Waiting for PostgreSQL 12 – Report progress of CREATE INDEX operations

On 2nd of April 2019, Alvaro Herrera committed patch:

Report progress of CREATE INDEX operations
This uses the progress reporting infrastructure added by ,
There are two pieces to this: one is index-AM-agnostic, and the other is
AM-specific.  The latter is fairly elaborate for btrees, including
reportage for parallel index builds and the separate phases that btree
index creation uses; other index AMs, which are much simpler in their
building procedures, have simplistic reporting only, but that seems
sufficient, at least for non-concurrent builds.
The index-AM-agnostic part is fairly complete, providing insight into
the CONCURRENTLY wait phases as well as block-based progress during the
index validation table scan.  (The index validation index scan requires
patching each AM, which has not been included here.)
Reviewers: Rahila Syed, Pavan Deolasee, Tatsuro Yamada
Discussion: https://postgr.es/m/20181220220022.mg63bhk26zdpvmcj@alvherre.pgsql

Continue reading Waiting for PostgreSQL 12 – Report progress of CREATE INDEX operations

Waiting for 9.6 – Add simple VACUUM progress reporting.

On 15th of March, Robert Haas committed patch:

Add simple VACUUM progress reporting. 
There's a lot more that could be done here yet - in particular, this
reports only very coarse-grained information about the index vacuuming
phase - but even as it stands, the new pg_stat_progress_vacuum can
tell you quite a bit about what a long-running vacuum is actually
Amit Langote and Robert Haas, based on earlier work by Vinayak Pokale
and Rahila Syed.

Continue reading Waiting for 9.6 – Add simple VACUUM progress reporting.

Waiting for 9.6 – Add a generic command progress reporting facility.

On 9th of March, Robert Haas committed patch:

Add a generic command progress reporting facility.
Using this facility, any utility command can report the target relation
upon which it is operating, if there is one, and up to 10 64-bit
counters; the intent of this is that users should be able to figure out
what a utility command is doing without having to resort to ugly hacks
like attaching strace to a backend.
As a demonstration, this adds very crude reporting to lazy vacuum; we
just report the target relation and nothing else.  A forthcoming patch
will make VACUUM report a bunch of additional data that will make this
much more interesting.  But this gets the basic framework in place.
Vinayak Pokale, Rahila Syed, Amit Langote, Robert Haas, reviewed by
Kyotaro Horiguchi, Jim Nasby, Thom Brown, Masahiko Sawada, Fujii Masao,
and Masanori Oyama.

Continue reading Waiting for 9.6 – Add a generic command progress reporting facility.