Changes on – extracted query from auto-explain plans

Some time ago James Courtney reported missing functionality.

Specifically, when one uses auto-explain, logged explains contain query text. So, when such explain is then pasted on, it stands to reason that it should be able to extract the query on its own, without having to manually extract it and put it in query box.

It took me a while, but finally, got it working today. And you can see it in all four explain format:

Also, while I'm writing – it seems that somewhere next month, there will be 1 millionth plan uploaded to the site 🙂 Hope you all find it useful 🙂

You can now add query to your plan on

Quite a lot of people have been bugging me about it, and finally got some time, and worked on it.

Long story short – it works.

You can add your query below plan (in separate text area), and then it will be displayed as one of tabs

For example, check this plan.

It also works sensibly-ish, if you want to obfuscate your plans, as you can see here.

In case you're interested in technical details …

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