How much disk space you can save by using INT4/INT instead of INT8/BIGINT?

Lately there have been couple of discussions on IRC, Slack, and Reddit that showed that people assume that by using int4/integer they use 4 bytes less than they would in case of int8/bigint. This is not really the case. Let me explain why.

Continue reading How much disk space you can save by using INT4/INT instead of INT8/BIGINT?

Does varchar(n) use less disk space than varchar() or text?

Some time ago on Slack some person said:

varchar is better (storage efficiency), i recommend using it for less than 2048 chars, for the best : TEXT

There was discussion that followed, the person that claimed this efficiency never backed their claim, saying only that:

VARChar takes much less ‘place' than TEXT … but have to face it to believe it

and when I asked for

Show me db fiddle with queries that show this difference and I'll believe

I got:

HA ha ! i let you dig it  i've some work ….

I reacted (over reacted), and the thread died.

I know (knew?) that varchar/text are the same internally (wrote about it), but perhaps there have been recent change?

Continue reading Does varchar(n) use less disk space than varchar() or text?

Tips N’ Tricks – getting sizes of relations without locks

If you have production DB servers, chances are you're running variant of these queries:

SELECT sum(pg_relation_size(oid)) from pg_class where relkind = 'i'
SELECT sum(pg_relation_size(oid)) from pg_class where relkind = 'r'

To get summarized size of tables and/or indexes in your database (for example for graphing purposes).

This (getting pg_relation_size for rows in pg_class) has one problem – it can lock, or it can fail.

Continue reading Tips N' Tricks – getting sizes of relations without locks

Waiting for 9.0 – table and index sizes

On 19th of January Tom Lane committed really brilliant patch:

Log Message:
Add pg_table_size() and pg_indexes_size() to provide more user-friendly
wrappers around the pg_relation_size() function.
Bernd Helmle, reviewed by Greg Smith

Continue reading Waiting for 9.0 – table and index sizes