OmniPITR 1.3.1

Right after releasing 1.3.0 I realized that I forgot about one thing.

If you're using ext3 (and possibly other, not sure) file system, removal of large file can cause problems due to heavy IO traffic.

We did hit this problem earlier at one of client sites, and devised a way to remove large files by truncating them, bit after bit, and getting them to small enough size to be removed in one go. I wrote about it earlier, of course.

Unfortunately – I forgot about this when releasing 1.3.0, but as soon as I tried to deploy at the client site, I noticed the missing functionality.

So, today I released 1.3.1, which adds two options to omnipitr-backup-cleanup:

  • –truncate
  • –sleep

If truncate is specified, and is more than 0, it will cause omnipitr-backup-slave to remove large files (larger than truncate value) in steps.

In pseudocode:

if param('truncate') {
  file_size = file_to_be_removed.size()
  while ( file_size > param('truncate') ) {
    file_size = file_size - param('truncate')
    file_to_be_removed.truncate_to( file_size )
    sleep( param('sleep') )

So, for example, specifying –truncate=1000000, will remove the file truncating it first by 1MB blocks.

–sleep parameter is used to delay removal of next part of the file (it's used only in truncating loop, so has no meaning when truncate-loop is not used). It's value is in milliseconds, and defaults to 500 (0.5 second).

Hope you'll find it useful.

How to remove backups?

Question from title sounds weird to you? It's just a ‘rm backup_filename'? Well. I really wish it was so simple in some cases.

One of the servers I'm looking into, there is interesting situation:

  • quite busy database server (2k tps is the low point of the day)
  • very beefy hardware
  • daily backups, each sized at about 100GB
  • backups stored on ext3 filesystem with default options
  • before launching daily backup, script removes oldest backup (we keep 3 days of backups on this machine)

Continue reading How to remove backups?

lpad() and rpad() gotcha

I was lately writing some program for a client of mine, which used UPC codes matching.

Since the codes are given in various ways, there was decision to pad the codes with leading zeros – up to 12 characters.

The code has been done, and worked like this:

# select lpad('123456789', 12, '0');
(1 row)

Continue reading lpad() and rpad() gotcha

Waiting for 8.4 – partial-match support in GIN, and sequence restart

Today we have two interesting patches:

  • patch by Teodor Sigaev and Oleg Bartunov, and committed by Tom Lane, which adds interesting capability to GIN indexes
  • patch by Zoltan Boszormenyi, also committed by Tom, which adds “RESTART" option to ALTER SEQUENCE. With some interesting consequences

Continue reading Waiting for 8.4 – partial-match support in GIN, and sequence restart