Waiting for PostgreSQL 18 – Add OLD/NEW support to RETURNING in DML queries.

On 16th of January 2025, Dean Rasheed committed patch:

Add OLD/NEW support to RETURNING in DML queries.
This allows the RETURNING list of INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/MERGE queries
to explicitly return old and new values by using the special aliases
"old" and "new", which are automatically added to the query (if not
already defined) while parsing its RETURNING list, allowing things
  RETURNING old.colname, new.colname, ...
  RETURNING old.*, new.*
Additionally, a new syntax is supported, allowing the names "old" and
"new" to be changed to user-supplied alias names, e.g.:
  RETURNING WITH (OLD AS o, NEW AS n) o.colname, n.colname, ...
This is useful when the names "old" and "new" are already defined,
such as inside trigger functions, allowing backwards compatibility to
be maintained -- the interpretation of any existing queries that
happen to already refer to relations called "old" or "new", or use
those as aliases for other relations, is not changed.
For an INSERT, old values will generally be NULL, and for a DELETE,
new values will generally be NULL, but that may change for an INSERT
with an ON CONFLICT ... DO UPDATE clause, or if a query rewrite rule
changes the command type. Therefore, we put no restrictions on the use
of old and new in any DML queries.
Dean Rasheed, reviewed by Jian He and Jeff Davis.
Discussion: https://postgr.es/m/CAEZATCWx0J0-v=Qjc6gXzR=KtsdvAE7Ow=D=mu50AgOe+pvisQ@mail.gmail.com

Continue reading Waiting for PostgreSQL 18 – Add OLD/NEW support to RETURNING in DML queries.

Waiting for PostgreSQL 11 – Allow UPDATE to move rows between partitions.

On 19th of January 2018, Robert Haas committed patch:

Allow UPDATE to move rows between partitions.
When an UPDATE causes a row to no longer match the partition
constraint, try to move it to a different partition where it does
match the partition constraint.  In essence, the UPDATE is split into
a DELETE from the old partition and an INSERT into the new one.  This
can lead to surprising behavior in concurrency scenarios because
EvalPlanQual rechecks won't work as they normally did; the known
problems are documented.  (There is a pending patch to improve the
situation further, but it needs more review.)
Amit Khandekar, reviewed and tested by Amit Langote, David Rowley,
Rajkumar Raghuwanshi, Dilip Kumar, Amul Sul, Thomas Munro, Álvaro
Herrera, Amit Kapila, and me.  A few final revisions by me.
Discussion: http://postgr.es/m/CAJ3gD9do9o2ccQ7j7+tSgiE1REY65XRiMb=yJO3u3QhyP8EEPQ@mail.gmail.com

Continue reading Waiting for PostgreSQL 11 – Allow UPDATE to move rows between partitions.

Waiting for 9.5 – Implement UPDATE tab SET (col1,col2,…) = (SELECT …), …

On 18th of June, Tom Lane committed patch:

Implement UPDATE tab SET (col1,col2,...) = (SELECT ...), ...
This SQL-standard feature allows a sub-SELECT yielding multiple columns
(but only one row) to be used to compute the new values of several columns
to be updated.  While the same results can be had with an independent
sub-SELECT per column, such a workaround can require a great deal of
duplicated computation.
The standard actually says that the source for a multi-column assignment
could be any row-valued expression.  The implementation used here is
tightly tied to our existing sub-SELECT support and can't handle other
cases; the Bison grammar would have some issues with them too.  However,
I don't feel too bad about this since other cases can be converted into
sub-SELECTs.  For instance, "SET (a,b,c) = row_valued_function(x)" could
be written "SET (a,b,c) = (SELECT * FROM row_valued_function(x))".

Continue reading Waiting for 9.5 – Implement UPDATE tab SET (col1,col2,…) = (SELECT …), …

Bloat removal without table swapping

Some time ago I wrote about my favorite method of bloat removal. Around one year earlier, I wrote about another idea for bloat removal. This older idea was great – it didn't involve usage of triggers, overhead on all writes, table swapping. It had just one small, tiny, minuscule little issue. It was unbearably slow.

My idea was explored by Nathan Thom, but his blogpost disappeared.

Recently, Sergey Konoplev wrote to me about his tool, that he wrote using the same idea – updating rows to move them to other pages. So I decided that I have to check it.

Continue reading Bloat removal without table swapping

Waiting for 9.3 – Support automatically-updatable views.

On 8th of December, Tom Lane committed patch:

Support automatically-updatable views.
This patch makes "simple" views automatically updatable, without the need
to create either INSTEAD OF triggers or INSTEAD rules.  "Simple" views
are those classified as updatable according to SQL-92 rules.  The rewriter
transforms INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE commands on such views directly into an
equivalent command on the underlying table, which will generally have
noticeably better performance than is possible with either triggers or
user-written rules.  A view that has INSTEAD OF triggers or INSTEAD rules
continues to operate the same as before.
For the moment, security_barrier views are not considered simple.
Also, we do not support WITH CHECK OPTION.  These features may be
added in future.
Dean Rasheed, reviewed by Amit Kapila

Continue reading Waiting for 9.3 – Support automatically-updatable views.

Waiting for 8.4 – suppress_redundant_updates_trigger

On 3rd of November Andrew Dunstan committed his patch which adds new function to PostgreSQL – suppress_redundant_updates_trigger().

This function is not for using in selects, but it can help you tremendously if your database access matches certain pattern.

Continue reading Waiting for 8.4 – suppress_redundant_updates_trigger

Tips N’ Tricks – setting field based on order

Let's imagine following situation:

create table test (id int4 primary key, priority int4);
insert into test (id)
    select distinct (random() * 100000000)::int4 from generate_series(1,1000);

Table test will now contain some (up to 1000) records, with random ids.

Now, we want to update first 3 records (ordered by id) to have following values in priority:

  1. 10000
  2. 5000
  3. 1000

Continue reading Tips N’ Tricks – setting field based on order